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Drivers Ed Online – The importance of teaching our community and generation for safe driving

Name: Korina Alcantara
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The importance of teaching our community and generation for safe driving

Growing up in a predominately Hispanic town, the drivers are often young teens with no license or adult in the car. Therefore, it leads to many crashes and deaths, some involving relatives and friends of mine. Through the drivers ed program that adults have taken it is evidential that those individuals with a license have yet to be in a crash or have been a crash that was not their fault. It is important to have drivers ed as it teaches the importance of driving safe and reduces the numbers of deaths. Especially for my town as many teens text and drive as it is known to be the number one cause of deaths for teens. Steps that help the community is by setting up a state tax that would be used to teach drivers ed in public schools and making it a requirement to graduate. With this the next generation could have a better understanding of driving and learn the importance of safety on the road as well, reduce death related to driving. For example if the citizen who was speeding and hit my uncle would of know about speed limits and had a license it would of prevented my uncle from being in a coma as all his ribs and feet were crushed. In addition, if someone would of taught the person who crashed into my friends about drinking and driving I maybe wouldn’t of lost a friend that night as my other friend woke up from a coma to only find put our friend died. As I begin to take drivers ed courses this year and start my journey to driving I hope I can be very attentive to my surroundings by putting my phone on airplane mode, not blast music in the car, and not eat while driving as it will save myself and others with my safe driving.