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Drivers Ed Online – Trail Run

Name: Emilie Anne Kennedy Weisser
From: Rockford , Illinois
Votes: 0

Trail Run

is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths
as a result of driving? What steps can be taken to reduce the number
of deaths related to driving? Have you ever had an experience of
being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members
driving irresponsibly? What steps can you take to be a better and
safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road

education is like a clinical trial. You want to introduce the
subjects to vaccines  and see how they react with it before you
make a full vaccine/medication to sell. The subjects are the students
in drivers ed and the vaccines are the roadway, we want to let
the students test out driving and see how they do before we give them
a license and let them run free. By having diver education we can see
which areas each individual student needs help to improve and be a
safer driver so they cause less accidents and deaths on the roads.
Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to
driving would be to make the driving education course a little more
rigorous, require more driving hours so students have more experience
and are more comfortable behind the wheel, require student drivers to
drive in all weather experiences and different road ways prior to
getting a license. Educate kids from a younger age how dangerous it
is to text and drive or to drive under the influence of drugs and
alcohol no matter the amount that’s in their system.  I have
personally never been in a car accident but have had family and
friends in accidents due to drinking and driving. Steps that I
personally take is that I never drive under the influence and I never
text when driving. I get everything set up on my phone and car before
I start to drive and I eliminate all distractions in my car like
ridiculously loud music, blurry windshield, items rolling around by
my feet and so on. I try to help others be safer drivers by asking
them to not text and drive because it makes me uncomfortable and I
feel that what I do personally helps people realize what they can do
to make the road ways a safer place to travel.