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Drivers Ed Online – The Most Important Task at Hand

Name: Julia Rose Malady
From: Chester, Virginia
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The Most Important Task at Hand

Drivers ed ensures that those on the road have at least a basic understanding of the real world implications of driving. There’s only so much, and in all actuality very little, that can be learned by being the passenger. To advance to the next level of understanding, one must become the driver rather than the observer. Are we okay, however, with sending ill-equipped passengers on to the road without any foreknowledge of what it means to be the driver? This is why drivers ed courses are pertinent to the safety of those learning to drive. Drivers ed teaches new drivers key information, like adjusting mirrors to eliminate blind spots, safe driving distance, and what to do during severe weather, that a new driver would not know to do intuitively. These are just a few of the many skills that drivers ed courses teach that save lives.

The number one cause of driving accidents is distracted driving. The easiest way to do this is to create simple habits that keep you safe on the road and off of your phone. Try placing your phone on “silent mode” or using applications that allow your phone to send automated text messages when you are driving. This lets your loved ones know why you are not responding and allows you to keep you focused on the road. Try making a “driving playlist” that you can play before you begin driving. These two simple habit changes can truly save lives; picking up your phone may seem more convenient, but saving a life is priceless.

I was involved in a car accident in December of 2019. I wasn’t ready for the car that pulled out right in front of me and caused a collision I could never have expected. I can still hear the sound of my brakes as I slammed my foot on the pedal, and the loud boom of our cars meeting. While this driver was not on a phone, he was mentally distracted and in a daze. He began making his left turn across my lane of traffic without even realizing I was there. It truly was an accident; a slip up; a goof. Luckily, we both walked away safe; but others aren’t as lucky. Where we had a few scrapes and bruises, others lose their ability to walk, or breathe properly, or live.

To be a safer driver, I have pledged to institute non-distracted driving habits, to not allow myself to become drowsy or mentally distracted on the road, and to wear my seatbelt and encourage other drivers to as well. As a passenger in another’s vehicle, I encourage them to avoid distracted driving, by offering to reply to their text message myself or select music for them. I ensure everyone in the car is wearing their seatbelt and is not conducting themselves in a manner that will distract the driver from the most important task at hand: getting us wherever we need to be, safely.