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Drivers Ed Online – Safe Road Solutions

Name: Harrison Leak
From: Saint Francisville, LA
Votes: 0

Safe Road Solutions

Harrison Leak

Every time you buckle up and start your car, you are putting your life at risk. You may never reach your intended destination. Every time you hop in the car with a friend or catch a ride somewhere, you are risking your life. It makes me appreciate every second I have and not take the next one for granted. Not only that, but it prompts me to be extra careful on the roads and try to use every precaution I can to avoid an automobile accident. I believe we can make roads safer by using more speed traps, making most reckless driving offenses misdemeanors, and requiring car companies to have hands-free technology.

If you have turned on a television or scrolled through your twitter feed recently, you have most likely seen the recent events of police brutality. Speed traps enforce speeding laws without requiring interactions with police officers. This will allow for less people to be pulled over, which would limit cases of police brutality, while also enforcing speeding tickets.

Another step that can be taken to prevent wrecks would be to make most reckless driving cases misdemeanors. Reckless driving causes an approximate 13,000 deaths in the U.S. every year (Johnson). By harshening reckless driving penalties, the reckless driving cases would most likely go down significantly, which would ensure less deaths.

Lastly, software that enables hands-free calling in vehicles would help ensure safety as well. Texting and driving has been linked to 1.6 million wrecks every year ( With hands-free technology, the driver does not have to look at their phone to send text messages. They can make phone calls without touching their phone. Having a focused driver with their eyes on the road reduces the chances of crashing.

Safer roads would make a safer country. No one wants to have to worry for their life every time they step foot in a vehicle. The government has power to make our roads safer. Bills that would increase the number of speed traps, worsen reckless driving penalties, and forcing car companies to meet phone safety qualifications would dramatically affect the safety of our roads. We would not have to worry if today was our last every time we stepped in a car.


Johnson, William. “Reckless Driving 101 – Speeding Tickets, Fines and Penalties.” RatedRadarDetector, 19 June 2019,

Texting and Driving Accident Statistics – Distracted Driving.”,