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Drivers Ed Online – The Simple Solution That no one Takes

Name: Nathaniel Smith
From: Harrison, New York
Votes: 0

The Simple Solution That no one Takes

In this time and age, transportation by land is one of the most common and used ways to get around- most notably by car. But because of this, car accidents are very apparent- and happen very often. Whether it be from reckless driving or simply just not paying attention, the accidents keep occurring, and the death toll keeps rising as a result. Thankfully, there are a large number of ways that car driving accidents can be avoided.

Because of how prevalent car driving is, there are steps and precautions that can be taken to avoid the chance of an accident occuring, such as: obeying the speed limits, keeping your eyes on the road, not texting while driving, wearing your seatbelt, adjusting your mirrors before you start driving. Though all of these seem like simple solutions, the sad truth is most people don’t even consider half of these easy options. In 2015, 25% of car accidents and injuries were caused by distracted drivers; in other words, 25% of the car accidents in 2015 happened because people ignored those simple solutions that were stated. Another big cause of car accidents is drunk driving- driving a car while under the influence. In 2018, 29% of car crashes were caused by impaired- or drunk- driving. Though it’s very easy to not be drunk while driving, it still remains as one of the big factors of car accidents and crashes. 

In a way, it’s kind of crazy to think about- the most tragic of accidents are the ones that come from careless mistakes. All of these crashes and accidents could’ve been avoided if people were more careful. This is why safe driving is so imperative- the simplest of mistakes can cause the most tragic of accidents. And those tragic accidents that have taken away so many lives can be easily avoided by following the simple steps and precautions. With the right steps, everyone can drive safely without having to be in fear of getting in an accident. We can all drive safely by following the simple solutions.