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Drivers Ed Online – An Alluring Coastline Drive

Name: Ethan Erik Nahlinder
From: Manhattan Beach, California
Votes: 0

An Alluring Coastline Drive

An Alluring Coastline Drive

Freedom, power, and exhilaration. These are the things new drivers feel the minute they receive their driver’s license and sit behind the wheel with absolutely no restriction. The freedom to go anywhere they please, the power to traverse the land, and the exhilaration of the wind on your face whilst speeding past the turtle-like pedestrians. Imagine taking that freedom and just driving out along the coast with your friends, windows down, music blasting, overall good happiness amongst you all. There are a few other cars driving alongside you, but from your seat, those cars are just other cars. The sun is beginning to set, hiding behind the waves crashing along the beach. Pure bliss.

While this scene may be a dream to some, I personally find such an instance to be horrifying. I would have been a nervous wreck in that car, constantly fearing what the other cars could do, what could be in front of me at any second, if there is an intersection coming up, if I should change lanes, etc. That fear of not knowing what to do in a car is what put me off from driving while most of my friends and acquaintances were already learning on their own. There was something about able to control a huge machine along with thousands of other machines and the fact that one wrong move could cost me my life or someone else’s. On the roads, there seems to be a different side to people who would bark at anyone who made any mistake, which also scared me slightly.

Those drivers have a right to be that way, for in a way they are also scared to a degree. It is every driver’s dream to traverse the roads and know that every single person is going to follow the same rules and guidelines. Otherwise, there is that very real possibility of accidents of any scale. Every time there is a risk, horns honk, brows furrow, and yelling intensifies. But alas, accidents still happen, and it is a very real fear.

The key to safety on the road is knowledge. To reduce that risk of an accident, it is imperative for all drivers to be properly educated. Something particularly effective could be having parents talking to their children at an early age about how driving works and the various road rules associated with it. When it becomes a habit, those rules would just come naturally to drivers as they age and gain experience. Also, attending a proper drivers ed class will ensure all the knowledge necessary is taught. I recently started taking an online course, and already I feel more confident to go on the road. Without complete knowledge, the risk of an accident increases tenfold. When riding with friends, it is helpful to ensure they are driving correctly, and also in the right condition to drive. Everyone in the car has the responsibility of staying safe, and having the right training will ensure that.