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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driver’s Education for Teenage Drivers

Name: Christine M Long
From: Thomasville, GA
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Ed for Teenage Drivers

The Importance of Drivers ed for Teenage Drivers

Teenagers these days have so much going on in their lives with
school, friends,extracurricular activities and jobs. The distraction
of smartphones and social media make learning to drive and being safe
top priority.

Drivers ed teaches teens the importance of driving safely
in addition to building up their experience and confidence. Teens
need to feel confident enough to know when to make correct driving
decisions and how dangerous it is to be distracted in the car as

I have a daughter who is almost fourteen and I talk to her all the
time about important issues like texting and driving or even drinking
and driving. The sooner we give kids the right information, the
better it is for them.

Driving comes with a huge responsibility and it is important for all
teens to not only learn the correct ways of driving but also the
correct ways of being responsible in that car.