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Drivers Ed Online – The Aftereffects of Irresponsibility

Name: Elizabeth Treloar
From: Wilmore, Kentucky
Votes: 0

The Aftereffects of Irresponsibility

In the summer of 2011, my mom and I were out of state when she received a phone call. Grandpa had been in a car accident, and we needed to travel home immediately. Over the next twenty-four hours, the details of his wreck began to unfold: He had gone to the grocery store, but on his way home, he’d passed out, losing control of the car. It went careening down the street before it crashed into a tree, one block from his house. Luckily, Grandpa survived with minor injuries. We discovered he’d passed out from severe dehydration due to his medical condition.

I wonder if this incident caused me to be weary of driving. Though I was only ten at the time, I didn’t start driving until I was seventeen. Even after, I would have nightmares about driving up a dangerously steep hill, or losing control of the car. The saddest part about it is that my worst nightmares have become horrifying realities for many drivers. Grandpa was very, very lucky that day.

Drivers ed is important because it attempts to reduce the levels of ignorance and recklessness on the road through stories and visual aids. These affected me profoundly because they helped me realize that nobody is invincible. I became hyperaware of how a single decision can cost anybody their life. For example, Grandpa, despite being aware of his medical condition, chose not to eat or drink anything. My drivers ed instructor reminded us that there is no such thing as an accident. What we refer to as accidents are really collisions caused by irresponsible drivers.

There are crucial steps that drivers can take to prevent more deaths. First, we should drive as if nobody else knows how to drive properly. If we all have that mentality, everybody will drive carefully. Additionally, it is not a good idea to drive when you’re upset. According to Driving Statistics, driving while crying or visibly angry increases the risk of crashing ten times over! Finally, it is critical to focus solely on driving every time we get behind the wheel. Some people choose to participate in distracting activities while driving. A good friend of mine always blares her music really loud, and almost got hit by an ambulance! As long as we keep our eyes on the road at all times, we are not putting anybody’s safety in jeopardy.

I have remembered these steps. I observe other drivers’ mistakes and make sure I don’t do the same thing. If I’m upset, I’ll wait until my head is clear. Before I get inside a vehicle to drive, I make sure that I am well-fed and hydrated, because those were the mistakes my grandpa made nine years ago. When I get out to the road, I remember that I am the only driver who actually knows what she’s doing. It helps me stay alert and keep an eye on my surroundings. Best of all, it keeps everybody I love safe.