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Drivers Ed Online – The Untapped Power of Driver’s Education

Name: Daniel Croce
From: Rye Brook, New York
Votes: 0

The Untapped Power of Drivers Ed

The Untapped Power of Drivers ed

Blue. That was the last image of the world around me I saw as I squeezed my eyes shut praying for safety but fearing the worst. The pale shade of blue that usually projects from a lovely fall day did not invoke the usual feelings of joy that comes with my favorite season but instead sheer terror.

After what felt like an eternity, the loud crashing and swirl of light as the car spun out of control was finally relieved by silence. The car had come to rest perfectly wedged between two trees, one foot from striking the vehicle head-on. As we were traveling down the highway nearing seventy miles per hour, my brother, a new driver with only his permit, lost control of the car and sent us into a spin that concluded with the car flipping midair. At the time of the accident, my brother had never been to drivers ed as this was not a requirement of the state of New York for a learner’s permit. Beyond serving as a moment where I reflected on the fragile nature of life, the accident severely impacted my view on the driving system in America.

The accident I experienced on that fall afternoon could very well have been avoided by several steps taken by both our family and the government system that sets driving rules and regulations. Had drivers ed been a requirement to obtain a learner’s permit and holders of such a permit limited to only non-highway driving, the accident would have never occurred. This fact is particularly valid when considering that the post-accident investigation determined my brother, not educated on how to respond to a loss-of-control situation, made several errors that were one foot from fatal for the occupants of our vehicle.

To stop accidents such as the one I experienced and create a statistically drastic decrease in driving fatalities, smart public policy and societal expectations must be set. On the public policy end, states such as New York must increase the rigor of the requirements to obtain a learner’s permit with the introduction of a state-mandated safe driving course before being granted the documentation that authorizes a child to control a two-ton machine. Drivers ed is uniquely poised to provide instruction that parents are either too busy to provide or are unable to explain with full accuracy. On the individual level, one such as myself must rehearse repeatedly the appropriate procedures to follow in an emergency driving situation such as the one I encountered. Meanwhile, when in a vehicle with family or friends it is imperative that we try to reduce distractions and gently remind the driver to focus on the road ahead if needed. Driving a vehicle is a momentous task that requires much due diligence, responsibility, and skill. Only when our society embraces the power of drivers ed can we fully ensure a future where the lives of our citizenry are protected behind the wheel.