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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driving Safely and Defensively

Name: Asher Gonzalez-Ortiz
From: Katy, Texas
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving Safely and Defensively

The Importance of Driving Safely and Defensively

For many, learning how to drive is a symbol of freedom and independence. On the other hand, there are those that find learning how to drive stress-inducing. Regardless of where one lands in this spectrum, it is important to know the risks and responsibilities that come with driving. Though the act of driving seems mundane and is very normalized, it is, in fact, an act which comes with many avoidable perils which has resulted in the deaths of far too many people across the United States. Through effective drivers ed and controlled practice, the number of deaths can be significantly reduced and ultimately create much safer streets for drivers and pedestrians alike.

For many of those first learning how to drive, drivers ed might seem tedious and boring, but it is the most effective way to create safe and defensive drivers. By receiving proper drivers ed, an individual is able to learn all there is to know, not just about driving but about overall street safety. Oftentimes, people assume that since cars are very common in today’s society, they are safe. However, a vehicle is a deadly weapon when used incorrectly. Drivers ed instills this in its students and is then able to minimize the number of deaths as a result of driving. Aside from receiving proper drivers ed, independently practicing with a responsible licensed driver in controlled environment allows for new drivers to gain hands-on experience that could be lifesaving to themselves and those around them.

Those that neglect receiving drivers ed run the risk of hurting themselves or others. Personally, I have not caused any accidents as a result of my driving; however, I was once in a crash involving a driver that neglected to follow the rules of the road. I was being picked up from school by my brother and his girlfriend when a driver disregarded a red light and crashed into the right side of the car. No one was badly injured, but as a teenager who was just learning how to drive at the time, it was quite traumatizing and put me off from learning how to drive for a while. This accident was completely avoidable and would not have happened if the driver had followed the rules of the road. Learning from this, I have done my best to become a defensive driver. This means I pay attention to my own driving and am aware of possible dangers around me. In addition to this, some steps I have taken to ensure that I and others can drive safely are to find a car that I am most comfortable driving in and adjust the mirrors and seat to fit my needs. I have also practiced a lot with a responsible driver even after I got my license to ensure that I am driving safely.

All in all, safe and defensive driving is key to ensuring road safety and avoiding death caused by driving.