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Drivers Ed Online – We did it for him

Name: Christian Flores
From: Carpinteria, Ca
Votes: 0

We did it for him

was sitting at my local church hearing the priest say it was the year
2018, and within seconds my heart started to beat fast when I heard
his words “let’s pray for Henry”. Living in a small town of less
than fifteen thousand people there is not a lot of Henerys so there
was a chance it was one of my good friends who is also on my soccer
team, worried I still tried to be positive and think it could be a
different Henry. It wasn’t till I showed up to my soccer practice and
saw all my teammates there except for Henry, my coach with a
despondent face explained to us that Henry was involved in a terrible
car accident and he is currently in a coma not knowing how long he
will be unconscious. Hearing the news made no sense, It felt as if it
was a dream and this was not real but it was. Later that day it
started to sink in more and that’s when I started to feel depressed,
angry, and uncomfortable, I realized this was the unfortunate
reality. He was a very nice guy who was down to earth and would talk
to kids who would be alone during lunch, not only was he a good
person but he also was a skilled player. The team would not be the
same without him but we all decided to keep playing and do our best
for Henry who was still unconscious, it was that season we won CIF
for soccer and state, we were the first sport to win state in our
small school and we still are to this day and we did it for Henry he
was the reason we were successful. A year later Henry is now
minimally conscious and is recovering daily. Driving a vehicle is
dangerous. It is a weapon people, with weapons people should be
mentally healthy and receive the proper training. The importance of
drivers ed is extremely important in reducing the number of
deaths. The course is what makes the person a better driver and will
learn skills they will use for the rest of their life when using
their vehicle. Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths
related to driving is to test people’s mental health, mental health
is a serious problem and people who are mentally ill should not be
controlling a vehicle, also I think people should be tested on their
attention and reaction time because I think there is a lot of
elderly people who put themselves and others at risk when driving. I
have been in a situation where a friend was driving beyond the speed
limit because he thinks it’s cool and fun to drive fast which I
disagree with. Steps you can take to be a better driver as well as
help others become safer on the road is to educate people more about
the consequences of using a vehicle especially in school.