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Drivers Ed Online – Safety on the Road of Life

Name: Desiree Romero
From: Naperville, IL
Votes: 0

Safety on the Road of Life

Drivers ed is set in place to make the roads a better and safer environment for all drivers. We take a year long course in order to really digest everything that goes on around us while driving and what to look out for in order to not put ourselves in harm. Not only does it teach us to drive safely in order to keep ourselves safe but also to keep those around us safe. Once we complete this course, we then get a permit that allows us to drive with an adult for a year until we are able to get our own license and have that ultimate freedom. I believe the system is set up this way to ensure that no one is being thrown onto the roads without feeling comfortable during most situations that they will encounter in their lifetime. Obviously there’s things that we sometimes can’t prepare for but I think the drivers ed program does a great job at making teens feel as comfortable as possible while driving. The program is all put in place to try to reduce the number of deaths caused on the road. Accidents are called accidents for a reason but there are ways in which you can prevent them as much as possible. Reducing the amount of distractions you have while driving is a big key towards reducing deaths on the road. Distractions can include music, having your phone out and even having loud friends in the car with you.There’s little changes that everyone can make to reduce their focus on little things and put their ultimate attention onto the road. One thing being they can have a hands free phone holder so they aren’t tempted to hold it when using it for directions or music. Another one being to not have so many people in the car with you considering it could be quite hard to not join in on their fun. This might be hard to do but you aren’t only putting yourself in danger, you’re putting your friends in the car in danger as well. Lastly, not putting any music at all could help to get into the right mindsight especially when driving alone for the first few times. Personally, I can say I have been guilty of paying too much attention to what song is playing or what my friends are trying to tell me instead of paying attention to the road. But recently I have worked my hardest to reduce these distractions as much as possible. I’ve witnessed my friend almost crash into a tree because she was so concerned with her starbucks drink rather than what was going on in front of her. Thankfully we all were okay but if things had done a little different who knows what would have happened. The whole situation could have been avoided if she waited till we got to where we were going to focus on her drink instead of in the middle of driving.