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Drivers Ed Online – Reponsible Driving

Name: Martin Sigala
From: Hemet, CA
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Reponsible Driving

Driving Responsibly

Martin Sigala

Drivers ed is important in reducing the number of deaths due to car accidents as it educates people the basic fundamentals of driving. Drivers ed includes state traffic laws, road regulations, defensive driving techniques, drug and alcohol consequences,and safe use of technology. Students can learn how to drive safely and responsibly behind the wheel by following state traffic and road regulations at all times. Drivers ed also teaches students to avoid driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol because it impairs a person’s judgement and reaction time during driving. It also teaches students defensive driving techniques like checking your rear view and side mirrors frequently to be fully aware and cautious of other drivers and their surroundings. Drivers Ed also educates students about using technology safely by not texting or handling their phones while driving. Drivers ed will reinforce best practices of safe and responsible driving and help prevent fatal car accidents.

The steps that can reduce the number of deaths related to driving, one always insists that all passengers buckle up. Second, never get behind the wheel if you’re impaired by alcohol or other drugs. Third, never think that being on time for an event or business meeting engagement is worth risking your life and safety. Last, If you think a text message or phone call is extremely it’s best to wait, and get off the road and bring your car to a full and safe stop. To help drivers be safer and better on the road, it is important to follow the above steps.

The steps i would take to reduce the number of deaths that occur related to driving. First I would ensure that I have my seat belt buckled in. Second, I would anticipate the actions of others and identify cues to behavior that help predict how other drivers will act or react. Third, I would make a conscious effort to develop more driving skills even though I’m not a new driver.

Last, I will ensure my vehicle is in top condition by checking the brakes are working properly, tires are properly inflated and your windows are clean.

I have experienced being involved in a car accident due to the rainy weather conditions. I was driving at night making a left turn at the traffic light and the right lane was flooded with water. My car ended up hydroplaning and went over the sidewalk and hit a metal fence. Fortunately I was the only one involved in the accident and no one, including myself, was hurt. After my car accident, I learned to drive more defensively and carefully in the rain by avoiding flooded roads at night and driving slower than the speed limit. I have also seen family and friends driving irresponsibly by not signaling when making a turn or switching lanes, tailgating other cars, driving when sleepy, driving over the speed limit, driving with bald tires, texting while driving and driving with loud music.