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Drivers Ed Online – Why Driver’s Ed is Important

Name: Sohela Jain
From: Easton, PA
Votes: 0

Why Drivers Ed is Important

During a time where being on our phones is the daily norm, it’s hard to not get distracted by it, especially while driving. If a notification pops up, we instantly get the urge to check what it was. This is just one example of how a driver can become distracted and instantly be more at risk of getting into a dangerous accident.

Drivers ed is often overlooked, but it can do so much in lowering the amount of deaths due to driving. Especially with new, younger drivers, it’s important to teach them all aspects of driving and to instill awareness of how dangerous it can be when you’re not careful enough. Driving isn’t just having the freedom to go wherever you want; it’s also taking the responsibility of your life and every other life on the road. Knowing all the risks while driving and being proactive can be the difference between life and death.

There are many things that can be done to reduce the death toll of driving. For example, requiring Drivers Ed in a formal setting can make a huge difference. Many kids think they know everything and don’t need a real teacher, but there is a lot they can learn from them. In addition, making the ban for handheld phone conversations and texting while driving a law for all states, as well as increasing the enforcement of these laws to encourage drivers to not even try and risk it. Getting a fine for distracted driving can cause someone to never do it again.

Having been in multiple car accidents as a child, the most serious one being the result of a distracted driver, I do everything in my power to avoid that happening again on my part. For example, I always keep my phone on Do Not Disturb while I’m driving so I don’t hear any notifications or calls. This helps me immensely, because I don’t get distracted by them or feel the urge to check my phone while driving. I also try not to play music too loud so I can focus on the road, and if someone is riding with me, I put them in charge of switching songs if need be. These are little, easy things I do to help me with my distracted driving habits so I can be safer on the road and lower the risk.

If everyone was more proactive and did even the smallest thing such as muting their phone, it would make a big difference. Even if my friends are driving, I encourage them to put their phone down and wait, or to let me do what they need to do on their phone for them so they aren’t distracted. Every little action, whether it be a simple reminder or taking a class, can go a long way to ensure we and our loved ones are safe on the road.