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Drivers Ed Online – Why drivers education is so important.

Name: Alyssa Jennel Isaac
From: College station, TX
Votes: 0

Why drivers ed is so important.

In order for one to become a master at something they must thoroughly educate themselves on the subject. This same idea is applied when it comes to driving. In order for someone to be a safe and informed driver, they must undergo the proper education and practice in order for them to be prepared to go onto the road. The more education one has the more informed and careful they’ll be and the more lives that will be saved! Not only should the manual labor of driving be taught but morals to display while on the road is just as important. Things such as drinking and driving, driving under the influence or even driving while being extremely exhausted(which according to studies is the leading reason for crashes) should be heavily reprehended. People should be educated on the dangers of such things and how badly it could affect someone’s life.

This is why I feel real numbers as well as real people’s stories need to be shared in order for the risks to really resonate with people. Everyone has someone they love, so surely they could understand why others would be worried about the people they love driving alongside unsafe and uncaring drivers. I also feel that those who don’t care or are unwilling to cooperate don’t deserve the joy and freedom that comes along with driving.

I’ve just recently gotten my license at the beginning of my senior year. I started a little later than most of my peers. While I started learning in driving school the summer before my sophomore year, my dad getting laid off deferred my learning over the course of two years. Not too long after getting my license I got into a crash turning into my neighborhood. Although it wasn’t my fault since I was rear ended, the whole situation really affected me, causing me to feel shaky whenever I got behind the wheel of a car. It hurt and it was scary and my life was put at risk due to someone else being irresponsible. This made the idea of driving a very scary one for me. It also broke my heart to see just how worried my parents were about me. That’s when it really settled in for me how irresponsible driving can affect the ones you love.

Which is why I always tell my friends and family to be careful and get a license so you don’t put yourself or anyone else at risk.

So please go to driving school, learn the rules of the road and be considerate of other drivers. If you know someone who’s driving irresponsibly try and educate them on this serious matter so that everyone on the road can be a safe and responsible driver.