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Drivers Ed Online – A Trip down Memory Lane

Name: Aren Shaginian
From: Burbank, California
Votes: 0

A Trip down Memory Lane

A trip down memory lane.

It is very easy to point a finger at others when it comes to driving recklessly, but it would be unfair if I didn’t take accountability for the times that I’ve driven irresponsibly. The privilege of having a car gives me the opportunity to go on an adventure whenever I need one. There’s nothing I like more than getting in my car and taking a late-night cruise while listening to my favorite songs. However, it was during these times when I noticed myself not caring about certain rules while driving. I paid less attention to my surroundings and was usually distracted by my phone. I would send texts, look up directions, and shuffle through my songs. Never once was I thinking I would get into an accident because for some reason I thought that it would never happen to me. As if I were invincible and not like every other person on the road.

One night, I proved myself wrong and drove over a freeway divider. Luckily there were no other cars around me and I wasn’t injured, but if my car could speak for itself you’d hear a completely different narrative. I was a 19 year old with a totalled car. No more adventures and it was all due to the fact that I was distracted and on my phone. That year alone, 2,841 lives were taken away due to distracted driving according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA). I felt ashamed but I believe that everything happens for a reason and after that night, I changed. I realized how easily life can be taken away from you. Seeing my parents crying even though I didn’t have a scratch on me; I knew from then on that what I was doing was wrong.

I still love to drive because I believe that having a car and the ability to drive is a privilege. However, it is also a major responsibility. In order to become a better driver, we have to understand that we are not invincible. Accidents can happen, tragedies can and have happened. In order to prevent you from accidents, we should urge people, especially teens to limit phone use while driving. We should promote apps and features that enable your phone to send auto-response texts to the person who’s messaging you while behind the wheel. We need to understand that driving is not the time to practice your skills in multitasking. If there is an emergency and you must be on your phone, pull over. The first step towards becoming a better driver is not to abide by your selfish desires but to the overall safety of everyone on the road. By following these rules and driving carefully, we all can continue to go on more adventures.