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Drivers Ed Online – Why Multitasking is a myth

Name: Griselda M. Navarro Mejia
From: Bellflower, CA
Votes: 0

Why Multitasking is a myth

Griselda M. Navarro Mejia


Why multitasking if a myth

On November 2017, my mother was a victim of a brutal car crash that almost took her life. This was caused by a distracted teen driver that was texting and driving. I thank God every day that my mother and the teen driver came out alive from this tragedy. Drivers ed was ignored in this scenario. If the teen followed the drivers ed protocol in not having any distraction when driving, this accident would not have occurred. However, distraction is one of the main reasons for car crashes today.

That is why drivers ed is so important in reducing the number of accidents and even deaths to all drivers of every age. How can one take the action in reducing deaths by driving? There are so many ways a driver can prevent a life being lost. Many of these actions are found in the DMV booklet provided to young teens who are new to driving. This booklet is the gold one must remember every time one decides to drive. These drivers eds tips include no speeding whatsoever. This includes if one is late to school or work! It is way better to pack early and have everything on hand when leaving instead of rushing.

Another tip is insisting that all passengers be buckled up, this prevents that, if in the case of a car accident, a passenger may be brutally injured. Tip number three is to NEVER drink and drive, even if you only had one drink, the driver must consider if they are mentally capacitated before making the mistake in harming his or her passengers. Lastly, no distraction behind the wheel. Overestimating that one can never be in a car accident or that one can “multitask” behind the wheel is a myth. It is better for one to leave that call or text for later and check where you are driving before you make a mistake.

I myself have not been in a car accident, but the car accident my mother was faced with was her first. It really made her fear driving and she had to take some time before going back behind the wheel. My father and I strengthen my mother while my father taught me to drive with these driver safety tips in hand. However, no one is perfect, when riding with some family member on the front seat I have seen them texting or checking a message and I have alerted them to leave it a lone and focus on the wheel. They get mad, but it is better for them to get a bit angry than to cause a fatal car accident.

Steps I can take to be a better and safer driver are to not be afraid of the road but be alerted when I take the wheel. To always look both ways twice when turning and if I am faced with an angry driver to pull aside and let them pass. I k now for sure I am not a multitasker so I either put my phone in my bag or turn it off while I am driving. Other ways I can help others be safer on the road are to alert the police if I see a drunk driver, as a pedestrian to also look twice before walking and be patient with slow drivers. The incident that occurred with my mother has taught me to be a better driver and I am glad that I can help by doing so.