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Drivers Ed Online – Safe Driving Save Lives

Name: martha santibanez
From: Splendora, TX
Votes: 0

Safe Driving Save Lives

The distracted driving category includes much more than simply texting and driving and not many people would come to think of those. There is riding with friends, looking at a map, changing the music station or even trying to find something in your car while driving. When seeing new cars come out with new technology, we think “oh great! I can finally do that using my steering wheel” or “voice command is so neat”. Yet, we then come to realize those are great after you have taken the time to understand how they work and what exactly it is you need to do in order for your car to understand what you are asking it. You are still looking down at the buttons on your steering wheel when you want to use those, you are still thinking of looking at the screen in your vehicle to read what song came next and, if you are like me, the technology there is harder to use than what those commercials lead you to believe. You might ask your car something only to then have to hit cancel, go back or go to a screen that you did not want to begin with. One way I would recommend to stop the distractions would be to choose a playlist, radio station or audio book you are wanting to listen to and you know will not let you down. This would save you from wanting to change that song and read that next title. Another recommendation would be to let those who might call you know you are on the road. This would help prevent them from urgently texting you and most people would understand the wait for a reply. Lastly, I would recommend making sure you stop or pull over if you need to search your car or purse. This way you have your full attention on the road and the cars around you.