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Drivers Ed Online – Building Safe Drivers

Name: Shayna Herzfeld
From: Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Votes: 0

Building Safe Drivers

Teenagers are known to be some of the most dangerous drivers due to a lack of experience on the road. However, in an age where people always have cell phones on them, teenages can (and do) easily engage in even more dangerous driving activities. So, the question arises, how people reduce the amount that teens are on their phones while driving? I assert that this can be accomplished by setting a good example for teenagers in the car, by parent example and giving them good information.

Primarily, there would be a reduction of dangerous teen driving habits if parents set a better example while driving. While teens have a big problem with texting and driving, adults are not immune to these poor habits. I’ve heard on multiple occasions from my own parents that because they’re not looking at their phones, just texting without taking their eyes off the road, they are not more likely to get into an accident. Studies show that while 20% of teens say texting has no effect on their driving, 30% of people ages 24-30 say that using their phones does not distract them ( This not only sets a bad example for teens in the car, but also feeds them misinformation. If parents say that as long as they keep their eyes on the road, being on your phone is acceptable when on the road, teens will certainly be more inclined to text while driving.

Furthermore, presenting teenagers with more facts about using one’s phone while driving would limit the number of teens who text and drive. In my experience, parents tell kids not to text and drive, but do not give them any facts to back up their claims. However, Drivers ed teachers do. This is the main reason Drivers ed is so imperative. They tell kids that “nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving”. They tell them that “1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving”. (Edgar Snyder and Associates) I believe that if you present teenagers with facts and studies that show the dangers of using cell phones while driving, they will come to mature conclusions. This is the main importance of Drivers ed.

Conclusively, I believe that the number of teenagers who use their phones, on the road, will decrease by setting a good example for teenagers in the car, by parent example and telling them the facts and statistics. Teen drivers ed is an important issue, because teenagers are future adults. If they build bad habits now, they will have them later, and could even teach them to their kids. We should and can be the generation to break the trend, with these few simple, but effective steps!

Works Cited

On The Road.” Distracted Driving Research,

Texting and Driving Accident Statistics – Distracted Driving.”,