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Drivers Ed Online – Safety Beyond the Road

Name: Stephan Tyler Reynolds
From: Romeoville, IL
Votes: 0

Safety Beyond the Road

T. Reynolds

Driving School


Scholarship Submission

Beyond the Road

ignorance and advising individuals about driver safety is a pinnacle
lesson that the community must understand in order to completely
mitigate the hazards of driving on the road. By initially educating
and stressing the importance and power of being behind the wheel at a
young age, individuals can get a scope of how to become a responsible
driver, and the damage that can be caused by reckless driving or
driving under the influence. A few orders can be installed, and
regulations put into place to minimize the amount of death related
car accidents. First, the consideration of making drivers’ education
an in-school course that does not start in high school, but rather in
junior high. If we are going to keep the driving age at 16, we should
consider teaching safety at an earlier age. Second, is an option many
would be against, although I would strongly believe raising the legal
age to18 years of age instead of 16 to drive would reduce the amount
of deaths as a result of auto accidents. Raising the age would give
those still maturing into young adulthood more time to mentally
develop and understand the impact they have while in control of a
speeding piece of metal. Lastly, I would recommend recurrent training
for all ages after each decade. Every ten years, individuals must
take recurrent exams to ensure that safe driving knowledge is being
maintained for each citizen with a license.

former very close friend of mine got into an accident and actually
hit a parked car, being in a rush to get home one evening. She made a
rash decision to slam on the gas thinking she had the car in reverse
and actually had the car in drive, launching the vehicle into the car
parked in front of her. From this the major lesson to take away, and
the lesson I learned before I began driving myself, was to never rush
while driving, because you’re not just putting your life in danger
but everyone else’s around you on and off the road.

these types controls can eliminate ignorance, by mitigating the
likelihood and severity that’s established with risk of driving.
Thus, making people more aware and the roads a safer place.
Personally I
be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on
the road by being more observant, not being afraid to speak up when I
notice a friend or family member driving a bit recklessly, and
staying current on the rules and regulations of the department of