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Drivers Ed Online – Safe Driving

Name: Emily Ward
From: St. Louis, Missouri
Votes: 0

Safe Driving

Drivers ed is important in safe driving. It teaches new drivers how to be safe while driving, which helps reduce deaths due to driving. Drivers ed can help teach people how to deal with dangerous circumstances on the road, rules of the road, and staying focused on driving. Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is first to require all new drivers to take a drivers ed class. This way all new drivers will be properly trained and educated on how to drive and specifically how to drive safely. The next step is to make sure that people understand the dangers of distracted driving and driving under the influence. These lead to many fatal car accidents, which could have been avoided if the driver was more aware. I have witnessed many instances of distracted driving from my family and friends, and every time that I do I encourage them to not drive while distracted. Being a passenger in the car while the driver is on their phone is frightening, and I never want to scare my passengers like that. Giving drivers a proper education on the dangers of these will help to reduce the number of fatal car accidents. I was recently in a car accident, thankfully it was not bad and no one was hurt, and even though I was not driving it showed me the dangers of distracted driving. We were stopped at a red light and all of a sudden we were hit from behind. The driver behind us was not paying attention and rear-ended us.

Steps I can take to be a better diver is to not be a distracted driver, which will help keep me safe as well as those around me. Another step I can take to help others be safer drivers is encourage them to not text and drive and not drive under the influence, which will help keep everyone safe.