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Drivers Ed Online – Driving Safety

Name: Gwendolyn Douglas
From: Columbia, MO
Votes: 0

Driving Safety

Reckless driving is responsible for the majority of deaths of teenagers and college students. Many are charged with manslaughter because of something minor as taking their eyes off the road to answer a text message. This has resulted in countless deaths and gas ruined lives in ways that wouldn’t necessarily be expected by such a frivolous move at first. To make the road safer we all need to be responsible drivers and practice caution in the road. Lives are ruined by just a moment of carelessness and you are accountable to make the road a safer place. Even if you are being a diligent driver often you will still have to compensate for other reckless drivers on the road. Being prepared to prevent an accident requires alertness of the road. This means also being in a good headspace mentally and emotionally to ensure necessary focus to drive. A proper education can equip everyone to be prepared for every type of scenario they meet encounter on the road. When taking your driving education seriously you learn to problem solve and work through difficult situations everyone encounters. You can also ensure the safety of your friends on the road even as a passager. Especially when learning to speak up if they’re putting themselves at risk.

To ensure safety on the road there are steps that can be made. Namely always checking that your mirrors are properly adjusted, making sure your car isn’t having problems, never driving under the influence, or any stronger medications. You can always be mindful and triple check all sides of incoming traffic before pulling out. Avoiding road rage and pulling over to do breathing exercises if you feel distressed while driving. It’s also important to provide enough time to get somewhere on time without having to speed. Knowing that your time management is a significant part of your safety is important.

I can’t say I’ve ever really encountered much reckless driving. But after friends of mine have gone through significant emotional distress I’ve noticed they have struggled to focus. In these scenarios, I’ve advise not driving because of the risk of an accident. I’ve experienced anxiety while driving in rush hour and have often pulled over when I’ve felt overwhelmed. What has helped me the most is recognizing what distracts from my concentration. Eliminating these things also means sacrificing things like music but it’s worth it for safety. As well as refusing to start the car until everyone had buckled their seatbelts. I can also ensure my safety by checking whether the forecast before driving. I also can make sure my friends in the car also support responsible driving and will respect these decisions. I can also download an app that will prevent me from receiving text messages while driving.