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Drivers Ed Online – Awareness is the Key

Name: Johansen Rossi
From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Votes: 0

Awareness is the Key

What is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?

Awareness is the Key

We need to realize and be informed that most of the deaths involved with driving are originated by recklessness and the use of narcotics like alcohol and drugs. When we talk about a such huge issue nowadays, since 3.500 people die in roads traffic crashes per day, we need to attack the root of the problem.

There are many factors contributing to the acceptance and permit of such despicable acts. We have to recognize that the cars today are extreme fast and powerful and drive in the speed limit may seem sometimes a little hard, but there’s no excuse for being reckless and driving under the influence, people don’t understand that you’re not only putting your life at risk, but many others who have nothing to do with your mistakes. I believe that making people aware of the possibles endings for their recklessness would make them think twice about their actions.

In this case driving education is more of a awareness job, programs involving all drivers in general or at least the ones who have a past of infractions on the road. This social programs could be lectures or spechees to bring awareness about other drivers who had reckless acts on the road and didn’t end up well, brings victims to see how other people mistakes affected their lives or even do like it is done in my home country (Brazil) where they bring people to go along with the rescue squads and see what being rash or careless results.

However we can’t only wait and hope that this programs will work on everyone, as a result what is the language that everybody in the world understands? Punishment. Creating severe punishments will not only make people think twice, but will prevent them doing it again.