Name: Kevin Pineda
From: Dallas, Texas
Votes: 0
DMV essay scholarship
Introducing the knowledge able to complete the road test shouldn’t be the only, or even the most significant, specified goal of driver training and education programs. Numerous, if not all, driver education systems aim to create safe and experienced drivers, as measured by the number of collisions they cause.Put bluntly, motorists who undergo formal training are expected to have lower collision reports than someone who does not undergo explicit teaching, — for example, some who know how to drive unofficially. Although the commitment to excellence of driver educational programmes in terms of protection, they have not proved to be successful. As strange as it might seem, there is scientific proof that driving instruction improves safety. We need safety teenagers to enroll themselves in programs trained in the art of driving as we should consider this practice on the same standard of college and or university because they are being taught knowledge that will not only save their life but others as well as deaths from car accidents are at a all time and we need to lower this number as much as we can. “Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world. Every day, almost 3,700 people are killed globally in crashes involving cars, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, or pedestrians” that was a report from the CDC based on the entire world let’s look at America alone. “More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. traffic fatality rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. An additional 4.4 million are injured seriously enough to require medical attention. Road crashes are the leading cause of death in the U.S. for people aged 1-54.” That was a report done by ASIRT, a well known association dedicated to driving and now we know the deaths in the United States but now let’s see the age group mostly responsible for these deaths. “Drivers ages 16-17 continue to have the highest rates of crash involvement, injuries to themselves and others and deaths of others in crashes in which they are involved.” That was a study done by the AAA and now we see that teenagers are mostly involved in these car crashes and now we must discuss the solution. We must incorporate driving education programs and classes for it either required or inserted into their everyday highschool as if we do this we will definitely see a drop off in car crashes in America and the death rate from these car crashes lowered.
Now that I have laid down the foundation of the problem in America, we must now talk about the ways we can lower such rates. Whether you drive faster than the posted speed limit, you are driving at a speed by which the street was not designed. And by doing so, you endanger yourself as well as other vehicles on the lane. We understand why, in today’s fast-paced world, everyone is in a rush. Giving oneself more than enough time to get somewhere you’re headed is the safest way to ensure you please don’t speed. While I know this might seem repetitive, its truth often not the solution is always in the basic fundamentals in the topic of conversation. At the moment i myself i’m learning how to drive so i dont any crazy stories but family of mine have been in minor car accidents and once my brother was in a near death experience while driving as the other driver didn’t know what he was doing and he almost lost his life over something he wasn’t in control of. Discussing this gets me into my next piece of advice and that will be You have power over how you operate, but not over how other people drive. Never believe a driver can brake, turn, or care as much about road safety as you do. You must know they aren’t if you want to drive safely. When passing out of a green light, look both directions to ensure nobody is passing through some kind of red light.Nobody enjoys being followed. It’s inconvenient, but it’s often risky. You will quickly rear-end the car in front of you if you proceed too near. If you’re not sure how much space to leave between yourself and the car in front of you, you should use the three-second rule. You can still be three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you, according to this regulation. That’s it for this essay but i hope even if i don’t win that someone learns something from this.