Name: Milagros Monique Mendez Hernandez
From: Phoenix, Arizona
Votes: 0
Drivers Education
More than 38,000 people die due to crashes on the U.S. roads every year. In addition to this, 4.4 million individuals are seriously injured to require medical attention. Reckless driving is the leading cause of death within the U.S. for people ages 1-54. This is why it is important for our drivers to understand the importance of driving safely. The more people we place behind the wheel, without the proper driver education will continue to increase the amount of people injured from our senseless driving.
We can change this, by educating people about their driving skills and what it leads to. Being a licensed driver comes with a huge responsibility when it comes to sitting behind the wheel. When it comes to car accidents the person responsible for any car accident should have their license suspended or taken away. I have been witness to a T-bone that happened right in front of me, and ended two to three feet in front of my moms car. Being witness to countless accidents makes me disappointed on how humanity becomes careless with the level of responsibility we entrust them with.
Next is the measures we can take to reduce the amount of people being injured due to reckless driving. Every individual is held responsible for the consequence of their actions when it comes to a collision. By paying for the damage, with their insurance or out of pocket. Adding to this the person that is held responsible for the damage that they have caused, can prove they are capable and responsible enough to operate a vehicle by starting from the beginning with their driver’s permit. Once they have their permit and have been driving with a licensed adult for 6 consecutive months, they can then go and try for their license. If they fail they can continue practicing until they feel comfortable enough to try again for their license. This cycle could continue until proven they can be trusted behind the wheel. This is a small measure that can be put into place, so that we reduce the amount of related deaths caused by the accidents that take place every year.
Wrecks are so common in the world that take place everywhere and the most common causes are because of cellphones . Reckless driving is almost inevitable due to a person’s responsibility behind the wheel. When given a license by the government, that entrusts you with the responsibility of operating a car. After losing a baby cousin of mine I have made it my duty to drive responsibly behind the wheel for the sake of others. Never experiencing a car accident personally doesn’t make me except in any way shape or form. I have loved ones that have been hit by other cars that were either drunk, using their cellphone, not paying attention, running a red light, etc. There are a multitude of examples that have affected my family drastically however the consequences have landed them in the emergency department. No one wants to mourn a family member due to the lack of responsibility a stranger doesn’t have.
Lastly, it is my responsibility when it comes to driving behind the wheel. I am able to watch my surroundings and be aware of the speed of mine and others. Another thing that I am able to do is drive very carefully because I know that at the end of the day my family is waiting for me to walk through the front door. I can also keep people aware of their driving by helping learn the importance of driving safely.