Name: Cristina Tejeda
From: San Diego, California
Votes: 0
It’s for a hw
There was a time when getting a driver’s license meant the right to own a car. And a car was a symbol of freedom which left its owner endless opportunities to cruise their towns, to take in the scenery, and to meet people. Now, vehicles are merely a means of transportation, getting the driver from point A to point B as quickly as possible, and with little regard for other people on the road. Today’s drivers exhibit many dangerous habits that are causing increasingly hazardous road conditions for everyone, such as impatient decision-making, distracted driving, and intentional recklessness. Being in a hurry while operating a car leads to selfish and impatient choices that result in automobile accidents, or even worse, needless deaths. Drivers who approach a stop sign and don’t come to a complete stop are not leaving themselves enough time to see other cars that might be entering the intersection. Furthermore, a rolling stop is incredibly dangerous for pedestrians or cyclist who aren’t able to move quickly enough to avoid a car. One must follow these rules when parking – indictating for at least three seconds. Steering to the left, straight. Correspondingly to the right. Some traffic movements include lane change right, lane change left, and reverse parallel park. Ark parallel to the road and as close to the left as possible unless one is parked in an area. Pedestrians nobody avoids neccessity to stop at the pedestrian crossing to view approaching. There are animals on the road, low down or pull up over the side of the road. One cannot sound the horn or make noise that might frighten animals. Intersect they give way to any pedestrians and vehicles. One should pass the rlt, just demonstrate safe decision making, observance of road rules. One drives towards pedestrian crossing, one will see pedestrian signs before the crissubg black and white poles. Exception the applicant is not penalised for stopping the vehicle on a pedestrian crossing. Before completing a turn at an intersection. If more than one vehicle is queuing to make the turn. Before stopping on the pedestrian crossing, the applicant must take all reasonable care. Uniquely for traffic movements stopping before the crossing may not provide an adequate view. The second queued vehicle should not encroach on the pedestrian crossing until the first vehicle has departed. Every applicant performs an illegal driving action, not specified and recording. Coming up to the pedestrian crossing down and ready to stop for any pedestrians. Or if one drives straight through an intersection from lane marked for turning traffic only. Does not drive wholly within their lane unless avoiding an obstruction. Driving on the wrong side of the road. The applicant fails to signal before crossing the lane boundary when turning at an intersection. Recorded the applicant is unable because of lack of driving ability to carry out the testing officer instructors. Traffic laws are designed to protect you and other drivers on the road. If we do not follow them we are not only putting ourselves at risk but also innocent bystanders and drivers. By knowing the rules of the road, practicing good driving skills and generally taking care as a road user, you help play a vital role in preventing a crash. Speeding is defined as the act or an instance of driving, especially a motor vehicle, faster than is allowed by law. Speeding is often one component of aggressive driving which is defined as committing a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property. There are strong direct relationships between the speed at which we drive and the risk of crash involvement and the injuries sustained if a crash results. The probability of injury and the severity of those injuries increases exponentially with vehicle speed. Even small increases in speeds result in a large increase in the forces experienced by the vehicle occupants or other road users.