Name: Grace Kennedy
From: La Crosse, WI
Votes: 0
Drive Safe, Stay Cool
Driving is one of the most sacred opportunities you get when you are a teenager. At least I thought so, but now anyone can get their license without even taking a driving test. As a young teenager I was hit by a car that was not paying attention to the road. The setbacks that this incident threw on me were challenging and impossible at times. If there is any chance that I could teach someone the importance of safe driving and keep another kid or adult from getting hit by a car, it is right now. When safe driving is not enforced people think they can get away with anything. The number of times I have seen people on their phones or speeding in front of police is immaculate, especially police who do not even flinch and try to stop them. When people are properly educated about the rules of the road, they are more likely to obey them and follow them. In order to reduce the number of deaths on the road we need to actually hold drivers accountable and acknowledge that they are breaking the rules. When people are left off with just a warning, they are not taking it seriously and it leads to them repeating the action over and over. I also think that we need to bring back the road test, as it has been deemed suggestable after only taking driving school for 6 months. For people over 18, they do not require any sort of driving education because you are deemed “old enough” to receive a license. As someone who was hit by someone over 18, I do not know if he knew how to drive or not. I guess not since he ran a person over. He might have gotten his license two weeks prior to running me over. Knowing that anyone can go out and get a license does not make me feel very comfortable being on the road. I have seen people doing the craziest things while driving yet there are never any repercussions for them. My uncle was also in a very serious car accident that nearly killed him, all because of a drunk driver. Just because someone else wants to make a stupid choice should not mean we are given unknown time with our family and friends. I make all my friends text me as soon as they get home to check in and make sure they were not hurt. Watching my little sister learn how to drive was scary and I am not even a parent yet. Knowing she could not come home from her soccer practice or friend’s house is terrifying. All around I think that we need to make serious changes to driving and rules of the road. In my opinion, no one should be able to get their license until they pass a written and physical driving test. Everyone should have to retake their driving test every five years, especially if they have been in more than two accidents. Some things that I do to be a better driver include putting my phone away while I drive and making sure it is on do not disturb so I cannot be distracted by it. I also make any friends or family I drive with put their phone away while they are driving or ask to hold onto it, so they are not tempted. We need to make driving sacred again and reinforce the importance of driving safe. Too many lives are lost due to reckless driving that could have been easily avoided. Another thing I do to try and prevent accidents is by being a designated driver, not only for friends, but for family as well. I have picked people up who have been drinking just so they do not drive themselves or friend’s home intoxicated. I am proud to say that I have helped several people who probably would not have made it home safely. Let’s hold our friends accountable for their actions, even if it is awkward at first. It is better than going to their funeral or seeing their story on the news. When it comes to driving, I would rather have to take a test every couple years to make sure I still know the rules and can drive safely. Road safety has become worse over the years, and yet people still drive like no one else matters. Let’s get back to safe driving and getting home to our loved ones in one piece.