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Driver Education Round 3 – In the Drivers Seat

Name: America Morales
From: San Diego, California
Votes: 0

In the Drivers Seat

Importance of being a driver education is necessary to reduce deaths from car accidents. As stated on the site of the scholarship you can see that there are many more accidents happening on the highway than the deaths that happen during the war…Even though you think you’re an amazing “driver” you are still in danger when you are out driving; this is because of teenagers that think “oh nothing will happen.”

Luckily I’ve never been in an accident and my parents have always been careful while we are in the car…But I remember one afternoon around 5 pm my parents (mom & dad) went out to pick up a check from my dad’s work. All my siblings stayed home that day, which was rare because we usually always go, but it was just meant to be. My dad was arguing with the stoplights because he was getting red on all the stops. My parents were at the last stoplight, and on that one, they got the green light FAST. When he turned right and parked on the driveway of the house, a car was spreading super fast that when the car touched the hill the car flew and had hit the stoplight that my parents were at just a few minutes before he came in. He crashed against the poll and crashed all the cars that were on the side of the sidewalk. If the stoplight was red my parents would’ve had crashed with the guy that was speeding and a possibility of both my parents losing their lives. The car that crashed was a BMW, which was stolen from a car shop. Everything happens for a reason, and I’m am glad for having my parents healthy, and


This is why driving is a danger, you may be going at a normal speed and thinking everything is alright, but in just a second u can be in a car crash because of another person that is not a well educated driver and doesn’t care about hurting others and hurting their familys. The best thing to do is to educate yourself about driving, mostly about speeding, road signs, watching your rear mirrors, and always keeping your hands on the steering wheel. One reason why threre is many deaths in highwways is because of cellphone use while driving, and speeding. There is an approximate of 1.6 million deaths every year because of cellphone use during driving, and an approximate of 25 deaths everyday because of speeding. Remeber the faster you go the less time you have to stop.

There is many lives being taken away because of speedin, for example just a few days ago a known TikToker passed away due to sever car crash that was caused by him speeding in his white car. He was only 17 years old, it’s sad to know that he and many other people that lose their lives because of speeding wont see their familys grow and complete their achievements. And especially not having that family member create their life.

Did you also know that the most of the accidents happen during the night when its starting to get darker. And do you know why this is? This is because there is NOT spotlights in the freeways. There should atleast be a few becase it can help the drivers with poor eyesight see better and BECAUSE of this it can elp save their life or the person they would have crashed with.

While the many of the survivors from car crashes will still have defects and traumatization because of these cases. Many of the survivors have a broken leg, back fractures, brain damage etc…And when having these things it will make you turn your life over; and readjust to your new life because of the crash accident.