Name: Caroline Goodsell
From: Bakersfield, CA
Votes: 0
CRUISE: Concentrate, Relax, Unplug,Identify, Signal, Enjoy
CRUISE: Concentrate, Relax, Unplug, Identify, Signal, Enjoy
Driving is privilege and also great responsibility. Driving can be tiring and stressful, such
as when you are stuck in traffic or traveling along a busy highway where many others motorists
are driving at fast speeds. But driving can also be relaxing, especially if driving conditions are
safe and the driver is relaxed and not under stress, fatigued or under the influence of alcohol or
other substances that can impair one’s judgement or reflexes.
One way to improve road safety for all drivers is CRUISE. This is an acronym I came up
with that stands for five things a person can do to remind themselves to drive responsibly and
improve the safety conditions for every person who uses the roadways. Its kind of a way to
check-in with yourself- reminders of what to do while you are driving.
The first thing everyone must do is concentrate. Concentrating is important because at
any given time, a driver must use hand and eye coordination to use various features in car such
as signal lights, rear view mirror, windshield wipers, hazard lights, air conditioner/ heater and of
course, stay focused on the road they are traveling on as well as the zones around their vehicle.
Concentrating on operating and maneuvering the vehicle is of utmost importance for the driver,
passengers and others on the roadway.
The next thing I recommend to do is relax. When a person is driving, they should be able
to relax and confidently navigate the route to their destination. Allowing oneself enough time to
reach their destination and planning the route ahead of time can help a person relax and make
safer decisions when driving. Being in a rush only causes stress and possibly tempts a person
to speed or drive recklessly. Being in an angry mood can also make a person tense and cause
road rage incidents. So when possible, I do not recommend getting behind the wheel of car to
drive, unless, one can do so, in a relaxed and calm manner. New drivers who may feel very
nervous can also take precautions before they take to the road, such as avoid rush hour traffic
or fast lanes on the freeway.
Unplug. Unplug from electronic devices that could be a distraction from the road. This
could be a cellphone, car radio, video cameras or even a car’s GPS system. Each of these
devices can cause great distractions while driving. They can cause a driver to take their eyes off
the road for a split second or several seconds. In either case, being distracted can cause
tremendous hazards for the driver and everyone else who uses the roadways, whether they are
motorist or pedestrians! using electronic devices while driving reduces one’s ability to do what is
most important…concentrate. Unplug, unplug…please unplug!
Another way to stay alert is to identify possible hazards on the roads. Identifying a
potential safety hazard can prevent car accidents by knowing what conditions to avoid such as
road construction zones, slick or icy roads due to rain or snow, and areas where visibility can be
limited due to overgrown foliage, blindspots or vehicles illegally parked. Identifying safety
hazards requires sound judgement and sometimes split second decision making. This means
that along with concentrating, relaxing and unplugging, one must continually make judgements
about what speed to use or which direction to go.
Driving is a lot like choreography. Motorists must use non-verbal signal to communicate where they are going so that roadways can be shared safely and their movement can be coordinated,with a multitude of cars, trucks, semi-trucks, motorcycles, buses, taxi-cabs, skateboarders,bicyclists and pedestrians. This is where using a signal comes into play. Signaling is very important as it helps motorists communicate with one another. When we are driving on the roadways, we need to know what other motorists’s intentions are and the only way this can be done is with signaling. It can be using a signal light, using an official hand signal, such as to turn right or left or even just a wave of the hand to indicate yielding to another driver. Signaling is courteous and promotes clear communication between motorists.
Finally, enjoy driving. No matter how much or how far you drive each day, try and do so with a positive attitude. Enjoy driving. It can be a great way to explore a new city, state or country. Driving allows a person the freedom to travel in their own vehicle and choose their stops along the way. Driving allows a person to have independence. Driving can open up a world of opportunities as it allows a person to transport themselves to work, school, medical
appointments, and accomplish other tasks for daily living. But no matter where you intend to go
in your car…don’t forget to CRUISE!
Thank you for this opportunity to apply for this scholarship.