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Driver Education Round 1 – Arrive Alive

Name: Hannah
Votes: 0

Arrive Alive

Would you rather get there safely or not get there at all?” My dad used to say this to me when I told him that I was in a rush to drive somewhere. This saying ultimately made me think if the rush of driving somewhere was worth the risk of getting in a wreck. One second of delayed action, one second of looking down at your phone, or one second of distraction could cause an injury or even worse, death. Driver’s education is important to reduce the number of deaths from driving because driver’s education teaches the proper ways to drive safely on the road.

Driver’s education first teaches new drivers how to drive safely. By completing driver’s education, I was also to learn tips on driving and common skills such as parallel parking. My instructor administered individualized instruction and gave feedback to all drivers in the class. The biggest struggle that I faced as a new driver was awareness. Instead of looking in all of my mirrors and all around the front car window, I focused on what was directly in front of me. This left me unaware of my surroundings. Without driver’s education, I would not have gained the individual assistance to correct my mistakes. Driver’s education is first important because it teaches people how to drive safely and provides individual attention that meets the needs of every student in the class.

To reduce the number of deaths related to driving, it is first important that drivers are aware of the risks that driving has. Because driving is normalized, sometimes society is desensitized to the danger of driving. By educating drivers on the risk of driving, drivers will first become more aware of the collective responsibility that drivers have to protect everyone on the road. Drivers also need to stay off of their phones more to reduce the number of deaths on the road. With the new developments of apps and increasing popularity of the phone, the amount of phone usage while on the road is dramatically increasing. By encouraging the use of bluetooth phone systems and stressing the value of waiting to Snapchat someone back or respond to a text, there could be less wrecks on the road.

An occurrence of irresponsible driving that I have witnessed is car racing. Many boys in high school enjoy playing with their friends and racing on the road. Car racing is dangerous because there is more focus on the competitor than there is on staying safe on the road. Further, car racing encourages reaching high speeds and breaking speed limit laws. Car racing puts the racing individuals and other individuals occupying the road in danger. It is important to focus on the danger of car racing to keep all individuals on the road safe.

Another common occurrence of irresponsible driving is often referred to as ‘brake checking’. Brake checking is when an individual abruptly hits the brakes to comment that the person behind them is following their vehicle too closely. Brake checking can result in rear end collisions due to the use of quick stops. Instead of ‘brake checking’ individuals, drivers should change lanes. Drivers moving behind cars that are driving at slower speeds should pass individuals and make sure that they are driving three to five seconds away from the back of another car. Driving irresponsibly is easy to do but detrimental to all. It is important to recognize irresponsible driving and discourage this dangerous behavior.

To be a better driver and help others on the road, I can first be courteous and patient. When in a rush or being an experienced driver, it is oftentimes easy to get frustrated with new or confused drivers. Ultimately, the road is a shared space. All drivers benefit when drivers are kind to others on the road. Second, I can be intentional about being focused on the road. The brain cannot multitask and can only quickly shift its focus to different tasks. Given this fact, it is important to rid my sight of all distractions. As a driver, I should hold off all eating and phone handling until after I have reached my final destination. Creating a safer driving environment starts with all individuals reflecting on how they can do their part to be a safer driver. By being courteous and intently focusing on the road, I can become a better driver.

It is important to be mindful of the risks and rewards that driving has. Although driving is a helpful mode of transportation, all drivers need to be mindful to reduce tragic incidents. By practicing safe driving and encouraging safe driving of my peers around me, the roads will be a much safer place.