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Driver Education Round 1 – Aware of Others

Name: Savannha
Votes: 0

Aware of Others

Aware of Others

A majority of driver’s are aware of the dangers on the road when it comes to the many different hazards as well as being cautious towards their surroundings. People don’t understand that there is all different type of people that share the road and it’s not just technology safety that needs to be considered when getting ready to hit the road. Now, will thoroughly go into depth on the importance on understanding driving as well as techniques that could make driving fun as well as ensure safety.

Almost ten years ago remember being in the passenger seat while my grandfather drove me home from school and the light just turned green for us to pass an intersection but in the mere seconds, we were T-boned by a motorcycle that ran a red light. Fortunately, everyone suffered from minor injuries and my grandfather’s car was completely totaled as well as the other’s bike was a shriveled piece of metal. The moral of this life experience is that the accident could been prevented by simply just waiting a couple of seconds with the light on green and maybe this would have prevented this life inconvenience or the start to my utter fear of driving. In fact, this incident prolonged me from getting my license until I was twenty-two and took me many driving lessons to comfortable on the open road. If we were to wait just a few seconds and let the person zoom past the red-light than there would not have been an accident and maybe I would not have been so adamant about driving. The key factor is to be patient and not in a rush when driving because like life itself, it is unpredictable.

The ironic thing about the word unpredictable is it revolves around the world of driving because a good driver is prepared for something to happen around their surroundings. This could be a car stopping in front of them at any given moment, an animal/person jumping in front of road, random driver merges, or others that may not abiding by laws and carelessly ignoring a stop sign at an intersection. Also, there is drivers of all different levels of expertise and taking this under consideration when on the road may help others be considerate before laying their hand on the horn of the car or be prepared to make appropriate actions when on the road. Some of these things may include keeping a car length apart instead of almost tailgating the car in front of them or slowly venturing across an intersection light that just turned green. Whether you’re a new driver or experienced these are some things that need to be considered when on the road.

The biggest advice I can teach anyone is this; don’t fall under that category of being pressured to drive or take off because someone is honking on the horn or telling you’re going to behind on others that are already driving. Often feel that many accidents are simply being pressured to driving and even I have been a victim of the passenger driver telling me to turn now or maybe it’s the incoming call from a parent. In these scenarios it’s often that someone will fall under the pressure because we care about the people in our lives. Truth be told, we’re jeopardizing a life when listening to the backseat driver or answering a parent’s phone call driving. If this is still going to be an apparent issue it is best to take control by either not bringing that driver or ignoring them and turning off the phone so there are no distractions. When being on the driver’s side there comes lots of responsibilities and need to be comfortable to make rash decisions at times. Sometimes driving with an experienced as well as licensed driving instructor until you’re ready to be on the road on your own is totally normal and fine.

Let’s take a stand and be aware of others by following the simplicity of car safety rules and be aware of ourselves when being engaged on the road because it only takes a second to make the choice. Acknowledging others and you can truly save a life and prevent an accident or life inconvenience. The end of the day the driver is going to be held reliable for the consequences and injuries or taking a life whether it was an accident or not is permanent and cannot be reversed. Evidentially, not everyone is going to be responsible or follow the laws on the road it is up to the driver to be aware and cautious of those who decide to drive recklessly.