Name: William
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Saving Lives on the Road
The Importance of safe driving cannot be understated. When people’s lives are ever on the line, the task should be approached with extreme caution. That is the approach that everyone on the road needs to take. This is the first step in reducing deaths on the road. Drivers education is a key player in this, drivers education gives you a great idea of what to expect on the road, and how to counter it and not only keep yourself safe, but others on the road as well. Driver’s education teaches defensive driving which is another way of saying cautious driving. Steps to reduce the number of deaths is eliminating the use of the phone on the road. Whether that be a mandatory spot for a phone to be in, or bluetooth hands free connection in cars. I was involved in a car crash myself where the person who rear ended me was on her phone. Phones and drinking are the two biggest distractors from the road. If you eliminate the threat of those two things, I feel that you will eliminate 99% of crashes and deaths on the road. Steps that I take is I always set my music to a playlist on the hands free system in my car before I put the car in drive. That way there’s no distractions at all, and all my concentration is on the road. Taking measures toward safe driving are crucial in not only saving someone elses life, but your own as well.