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Driver Education Round 1 – Learning to be a safe driver

Name: Alondra
Votes: 0

Learning to be a safe driver

Driver education is a huge factor in reducing the number of deaths while driving. Making an error because you are not educated enough to be on the road can cost your life and the lives of those innocent people around you that you may crash into. To reduce the number of deaths related to driving we could possibly require driver’s license to be renewed more often so that people are constantly checked if they are still eligible to drive. Another possibility is that we could require larger fines for traffic violations because if it is just a little amount, drivers will tend to not care and just keep doing it. If it was a higher fine, they might actually take it seriously and stop doing it. If there are more serious consequences for little violations, I feel they will take driving more seriously.

I personally have never been in an accident while driving, thank god, but I know of some people who are close to me, that were not as lucky as I am. A friend of mine was being irresponsible and was using her phone while she was driving. The car in front of her slowed down relatively fast because there was a kitten in the road and my friend was obviously not paying attention, due to her being on her phone, and by the time she looked up she was only a few inches away from the car. She ended up rear ending it and totaling her car and the other person’s car due to how fast she was driving. I sit to myself and wonder how the other person felt, how upset they were that the car that they paid with their hard-earned money, had just been totaled and they no longer have a method of getting around. I think about how unfair it is to them, when they were being safe drivers and lost their car due to an uneducated and unsafe driver. I would never want to be that way and affect other’s lives because of my errors.

I personally want to try really hard to be a safe driver and not make the same mistakes that other drivers around me make. I want to be a better driver and more educated on how I can drive more safely and responsibly. I want to avoid all the mistakes that they make and make sure that I am always watching out in case they almost cause an accident. Although I may be a safe driver, I know there is always still a possibility in which I will get into an accident or minor collision because there are always other who are not as safe, nor as responsible as I am. I hope that I can make an impact on other people’s mind and encourage them to want to learn more about safety on the road.

I can’t force anyone to obey all the traffic rules or do what I say, there will always be rule breakers who go against them and do risky things that might put others in danger. One thing that I can do to encourage people to be safer on the road is to give them scenarios and tell them to imagine if it was their loved ones and how they would feel if they were to get into some sort of collision or accident. Not positive if it would work on everyone but I would assume it would on a few because they would not want their loved ones or close friends to get into any harm. Another thing that I would do is making them think about how their loved ones or close friend would feel if they received the call that they had passed away due to a car accident because they were being irresponsible and risky. There are many little things that might get them to think differently and change their driving habits.

All drivers should change their bad driving habits and be safe and responsible when they are on the road. They should be thoughtful of all the people driving around them and not put them into any danger that they do not deserve. We should all educate ourselves more and do it relatively often so that we stay up to date on rules and etc. We all have loved ones who drive around all day and we want to make sure they get home safe. I assume we all want to make it home safely as well.