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Driver Education Round 1 – Safety Tips For A Safe Trip

Name: Chey'Anne
Votes: 0

Safety Tips For A Safe Trip

Whenever it comes to driving, it is very important to practice safety on the road. Safe driving can not only protect your life or someone else’s, but also prevent other serious injuries that can hinder your life. You can ensure safety on the road in many forms. Some examples are putting on a seatbelt, never drinking and driving, preventing reckless driving and texting on the road.

The most important part about driving is buckling up. Always ensure that the seatbelt is on before putting that gear in drive. A seat belt has prevented many near death experiences, especially during wrecks. Wearing a seatbelt is also a major part of the law. The consequences can go from being fined or going to jail for breaking the law. It is all up to you. We can control most things when it comes to the safety of our being. Putting a seatbelt on is one of them.

As a soon to be college student, this is a VERY important topic that I should touch up on. Drinking and Driving. Drinking and driving has been the cause of 30% of deaths in crashes,so always know your limit. It can take as little as one shot of liquor to impair your judgment. I know we love to have fun, but always monitor your drinking. Drinking impairs your vision,your motor senses and mental capacity. If you feel you have reached your limit with drinks, call an uber or taxi. If you don’t feel safe with those options, have a designated driver, but NEVER get on the road intoxicated. Don’t let that one night of fun be your last night of fun, for you or even worse others. I’m pretty sure everyone wants to see what the future holds.

How many times are you driving on the road and someone near you presses on their gas and zooms right past you? For me, too many times and it is very frightening. The person who is speeding might not think anything can happen because there is room to pass cars, there is no one around, or sometimes the person doesn’t care for the speed. These are very dangerous ways of thinking when driving. What if there is no room as you think, or you go so fast you flip over killing yourself and others around you. These little tips that I’m about to give to you can prevent these incidents. For one, always make sure you can see the back of the tires of the vehicle in front of you. This prevents tailgating and gives you enough room to stop just in case the car in front abruptly stops. Never try to pass up a vehicle using a lane that is going the opposite direction. Another car could be approaching in the other lane, or the vehicle in front of you can decide to speed up. This can be extremely dangerous. Always drive the speed limit. Different speed limits are set to fit the town and highway that you are on. Following the speed limit can give you enough time to stop if needed, make necessary changes to switch lanes and avoid crashes. Every little detail is important.

Texting can always wait when it comes to driving. Many drivers may think that taking a quick look at the phone and back on the road won’t do much damage. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT! One second is all it takes for a car crash to happen. Maybe a child or animal has crossed the road within that second. Maybe a tree branch has fallen that you could have seen if you did not look down at your phone. Anything can happen while your eyes are not on the road. Before you get on the road, tell anyone if it is that important to call you instead. It is so simple to put the phone to the side on the off position until you have parked the car.

Driving is like a job, if not done correctly everything can go wrong. This is why you should take as many safety precautions as possible. Your safety and others should be valued to the extreme. Anything that interferes with that should be questioned. Check the car and make sure everything is in place. Once you do that, proceed with the safety tips that you have learned in the past. Remember to always put a seatbelt on, never drink and drive, avoid reckless driving and put that phone down until you park. A safe driver is the best driver.