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Driver Education Round 1 – Driving Education

Name: Douglas
Votes: 0

Driving Education

To start off driving education is important because it teaches people how to drive properly. It helps keep them safe and the other drivers around them safe. Driver education is a course for new drivers that teaches them the law of the road. Depending on where you live, there are two courses: a class and then a driving class. The regular class teaches you the law and has you go into simulators, which you have to pick the right decision to continue. The actual driving class teaches you how to be a defensive driver: ready to react during a given situation and be able to react calmly and effectively. It is important to have this knowledge because when people drive to a place they usually don’t go to, they will have an understanding of what to do. For example, if you are driving to a stoplight and the lights aren’t working, it becomes a four-way stop. Another one is when an ambulance or any “important” vehicles scream their sirens; that is the sign to slow down and make way for them to drive by. But some people don’t take the course serious and get lazy. They tend to look at their phones, look at distractions, or get tired.

If we want to reduce car deaths, we need to reduce the distractions that come from inside and outside the car, technology, and tiredness. Whether it be some crazy accident, never take your eyes off the road. People tend to not know how to react and end up either crashing into that crash or making themself an obstacle for another cars. Also, make sure that you are not an obstacle because some people forget to turn things on like their headlights in the night. Another issue in the car is children. Some parents get into accidents because they were simply trying to find a song or movie for their child. If parents pay attention to the road and not their kids, they can help save lives. It may sound a little harsh but if it causes an even bigger distraction, they should bring toys or already have a long movie on. Additionally, people get tired often and don’t know when to go to bed. It’s really scary for other drivers to react because the sleepy driver isn’t reacting to others. It is important to be awake while driving and if you are feeling tired, pull to the side and rest or have somebody else drive.

I have a friend name Gibby that got to an accident involving his truck. He was driving like a regular person on a regular road and went to change the song and dropped his phone. He went to pick up his phone, which took only a few seconds and when he brought his head back up, he crashes into the car in front of him. If only he kept his head up, he wouldn’t have to deal with paying that damage. Gibby also was running a red light and hit a car that was turning. If Gibby was a safer driver, he wouldn’t get in so many accidents. Another example was with my cousin. He was driving from Las Vegas—he does this often to visit family and friends—got tired and crashes into the rails and passed away. He suffered from burns and brain damage. If he only took the time to sleep before the trip and at least pulled to the side or nearest rest stop, life would have been different for me and his family.

When I drive, I can be a safer driver by not speeding and be more patient. I like to run red lights of go sometimes 10 miles over the speed limit. Also, sometimes I’m lazy at turning my turn signal on, which is very bad and if I can fix these it will help me and other drivers be safe. I can be safe by turning my signals on and head checking to make sure nobody is behind me. Another thing I can do is remind people to put on their seat belt. I never do it when I’m the back but being an example and letting my friends and family know to put their seat belt on can be a life saver. When the traffic gets really busy, I tend to think fast but I think if I be patient with my time, I can spot other cars. There was one time I almost got into an accident because I was looking at some cars and not looking at the cars behind them. It was a good thing I was double checking before I turned because if I didn’t, I would have gotten into a wreck.