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Driver Education Round 1 – Driving Recklessly is Not a Trend, it is Dangerous

Name: Kate
Votes: 0

Driving Recklessly is Not a Trend, it is Dangerous

Multiple factors have contributed to an increase in driving deaths over the past couple of years. These factors include more distractions, self-driving vechicles, and an overall lack of focus when it comes to people behind the wheel. I think the significance of being a safe driver is less stressed now because of self driving vechicles and new car featrues that make driving more of a lazy action than something to be taken seriously. People’s mindsets when they get behind the wheel have shifted over the years and an increase in new drivers being influenced by social media trends does not help with the decrease of drivers deaths. It is important that we as a society, put more emphasise on what safe driving really is.

A way to help people learn or remeber how serious driving is, is to increase drivers education especially in high schools. Many high schools across America do not even offer drivers education or do not have affordable private driving programs where students can learn the importance of being safe drivers. If we had more classes that were easily accessible, I think the number of driving deaths would drop significantly. I think these classes should be open to everyone, not just teenagers. Educating parents on how to have talks with their children about safe driving could also help the number decrease. Putting the significance of safe driving in the parent’s hands gives them the power to start those conversations with their young ones and encourage safe driving practices with in their communities. I was very lucky to have a good program to teach me the importance of being a good driver. I hope that as we work towards a better future, the importance of drivers education increases so the deaths can decrease.

Not only can steps be taken to decrease the number of driver deaths by increasing education, there are other ways to spread awarness and make change. One significant way is to end the social media trends of fast driving. Fast and reckless driving is not trendy, it is extremely dangerous for eveyone in and around the car. More recently, trends of fast and reckless driving have been floating around social media platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram. These trends can include being part of a “club” that involves filming while the person driving is going over 100 miles per hour. Not only is this driver speeding, they are distracted with their phone out. This could result in a fatal accident that could have easily been prevented. Other steps we can take to promote safe driving is minimizes the number of distractions a driver faces. The biggest one being cell phones. If there were more ways to encourage drivers to put down their phones and pay attention, I think the number of deaths per year would drop significantly as well. Their is no use for a phone while driving and even if you did need it for a GPS, there are hands free options available. Educating people on hands free emergency actions on their phones can also be a way to reduce driving related deaths and promote undistracted driving.

Everytime a person starts a motor vechicle, they are taking on a huge responsibility. Not only are they now in control of their life, they are in control of the lives around them or with them if they have passengers. Some safe driving techniques that I practice every day are putting my phone on silent mode, checking to make sure my mirrors are in the correct positions, and making sure that if I have passengers, they are buckled and safely in the vehicle. I do not use my phone while driving. If I need directions or want to listen to music, I get these things ready before I put the car in drive. I also text my parents to let them know I am starting to drive and will not be able to respond for a length of time. I think helping others “prepare” their phones for driving can help them be more focused on the road and less distracted. I also check to make sure my mirrors are correctly positioned. This is extremely important because it is how I can see other cars around me to make sure I am protecting all of my fellow drivers as well. When I drive someone else’s car, I change their mirrors and seat to make sure I can safely reach the petals and look around me to practice safe driving. Lastly, passenger safety is just as important as drivers safety. I make sure everyone is buckled and if someone in my car is being too distracting, I stand up for myself and speak up so I can safely focus on the road and get us to our destination.

I think the topic of driver safety should be more important then it currently is. I think that there should be more resources in schools, work places, and at home to help people understand the seriousness of driving. Many tragic driving related deaths could have been preventable if people knew proper driving safety. I think the most important thing right now when all of these social media kids are growing and learning how to drive is teaching them, reckless driving is not a trend. Safe driving is the only way to protect yourself and others on the road.