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Driver Education Round 1 – Drivers Ed Essay

Name: Kierra
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed Essay

Driver’s education is vital to reducing deaths due to driving. New drivers need to be educated on the basics of a car, how to avoid crashes, and general driving etiquette. There needs to be a push to teach new drivers the dangers of not wearing their seatbelts and being on their phones. Many drivers, even after being taught some of the dangers, still think nothing bad will happen to them. It is these drivers who think they are invincible that end up being hurt. People need to share their stories about them or a loved one getting hurt or killed from dangerous driving to teach these new young drivers how dangerous it can really be. True stories of lives lost and injured can have a dramatic impact. Hearing stories of people ending up paralyzed, with brain damage, and other debilitating injuries can have an impact. No one wants to have broken bones and miss out on a sports season or even worse to have a horrific lifelong injury because of one bad decision while driving.

During driver education, pictures showing the aftermath of poor driving habits can have a profound impact. Pictures showing vehicles where the occupants were all buckled up and walked away from what otherwise would have been a deadly crash will incentivize young drivers to buckle up. Pictures showing vehicles with minimal damage, but because the driver and/or passengers weren’t buckle up they were ejected and killed will also incentivize drivers to buckle up. Pictures showing the aftermath of texting and driving as well as driving under the influence will make teens think twice before making the same fateful decision. Although the pictures would be difficult to see, those images may very well deter teens from making poor decisions behind the wheel.

Driver’s education should emphasis the consequences of dangerous driving habits. Consequences include a fine, time in jail, increased insurance rates, and death to you or another driver. If you get a fine for texting and driving it can be a very hefty fine that can double if it is in a school zone. In some states, texting and driving can result in jail time if you caused injury or death to another driver. Getting a fine or getting in an accident can cause a dramatic increase in insurance premiums. If you get in an accident you could get severely injured, injure another driver, or kill you and/or the other driver.

I have never been in a car accident myself and I have seen some bad driving habits in both family members and friends. I have been known to encourage my friends and family to practice good and safe habits while driving. My friends and family respect me and they drive safer while I am in the car. I do not know if they practice the same habits when I am not in the car but I encourage them to do so.

My grandma lost a brother and a step brother in a car accident when she was just a junior in high school. The driver of the other car was drunk and he lived. This loss has affected my grandma and my family even now, over 50 years later. Drunk driving is not okay and even if you do not think anything will happen to you, something could happen to someone else. Someone else who has a family that loves them, and will grieve for a very long time. Parents need to make sure their kids know that even if they make a poor decision by drinking underage they do not have to make another poor decision by driving impaired, they need to know they can call for a ride.

While driving, I am not on my phone and I actually have an app on my phone that tracks my driving habits to get a discount on my insurance. It tracks my speed, time of day, mileage, and whether or not I am on my phone. I also always wear my seatbelt and when others are in the car I do not start driving until everyone is wearing a seatbelt. I have had many of my friends choose to ride in my car instead of with someone else because they know I am a safe and responsible driver.

Lastly, it is important that parents are modeling good driving habits. Adults can be just as bad about being on their phones while driving. If parents act like it is no big deal, teenagers will mimic their behavior. New vehicles have hands free driving capability which is a huge benefit and I believe reduces injuries and fatalities from distracted driving.