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Driver Education Round 1 – Driving and the Importance of Safe Habits

Name: Heidi
Votes: 0

Driving and the Importance of Safe Habits

Driving is a necessary thing that millions of people participate in on a daily basis. Driving is convenient, easy to get a hang of, and efficient for most people. It gets us places, and helps people to have more freedom in their daily lives. However, there are many risks associated with cars, and death or serious injury can occur if you aren’t careful.

Driver’s education is a crucial step in reducing the amount of car accidents and protecting the lives of people of all ages. It teaches new drivers the importance of road safety and how to drive in a way that protects the lives of themselves and others. After completing driver’s ed, a behind-the-wheel skills test is required before you can get an official driver’s license. This is a good way to ensure new drivers are safe enough to be on the road, but oftentimes it doesn’t stop people from becoming dangerous drivers after passing the test. The best way we can reduce the amount of car-related deaths is through following the laws and paying close attention whenever you’re on the road. Car accidents are devastating, and some may alter your life permanently or even end it.

I myself have never had the experience of being in a car accident, but I have seen the impacts of them. I know a student who was in a devastating accident, and after a long recovery, they still walk with a limp. Most of the people I know have been in a car accident at some point in their life, and they’re lucky to be alive and safe today. Unsafe driving can have consequences that remain with a person for the rest of their life, so we should do what we can to reduce the number of accidents. I think that knowing and following the driving laws will help lower the rate of car accidents. If you drive, keep your knowledge of driving up-to-date, and make sure you know what you’re doing. Encourage friends and family to do the same. The more people who are safe drivers, the less likely there is to be a life-altering car accident. And if you’re ever in a situation where you don’t know what to do, find somewhere to stop and figure out how to handle it in a safe manner. It’s important to drive focused on the road and to limit other distractions. I’ve seen people close to me driving irresponsibly. People on their phones, taking their hands off the wheel, even driving after having a few drinks. All of these things are examples of irresponsible driving, and they put lives at risk.

There are many easy ways to reduce the amount of car accidents, and every driver should make sure to aim for safety above all else. Distractions are a major cause of car accidents. It might be tempting to reach for your phone while stuck at a red light, but trust me– it’s not worth it. Checking your phone while driving is a huge distraction– not to mention that it’s illegal. If you absolutely have to check your phone, find a safe place to stop first. This is for the safety of yourself and others, because distracted driving is incredibly dangerous. In fact, distracted driving was the cause of over 3,000 deaths in 2020 alone, in addition to nearly 300,000 injuries (statistic from NHTSA). The answer is clear and simple– don’t drive distracted.

The only way we can reduce car accidents is if we all work towards the same goal. We must all do our part to keep the streets safe. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Did you know that about 28 people in America die every day from drunk drivers? That means that someone will die approximately every 52 minutes from drunk driving crashes. In 2019, deaths caused by drunk drivers was one of the lowest recorded– 10,142 deaths (statistic from NHTSA). The fact that 10,142 deaths from drunk drivers in a year is the lowest record is absolutely devastating. People often drink and drive without even thinking about it, or defend their actions by insisting that they only had a few drinks, and therefore it won’t affect their driving. This is not a good way to think. Any amount of alcohol in your system can impair your driving. Many people don’t realize this before getting behind the wheel.

As a young person new to driving myself, I don’t want to do any of these things. Driving scares me– not enough to stop me from doing it, but enough to ensure that I’m not going to take any extra risks. Whenever I’m driving, especially at night or on a busy road, I’m incredibly nervous. I’d say that some anxiety helps, though. It ensures that I won’t change focus from driving, which will reduce my chances of being in a car accident.