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Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Education Initiative Award – Annual Scholarship Opportunity

Name: Jaden
Votes: 3

Driver Education Initiative Award – Annual Scholarship Opportunity

The importance of driver education has many qualities. Driver’s education teaches us how to drive and about driving. Back when I had to take it and watch the videos it was almost as if you didn’t want to drive because it showed you all the horror stories of what happened while driving. I took driver’s education through Cruisin Safely. It taught me how to drive, but not just how to drive, but how to, hence the name, “Cruise Safely.”

We can drive safely. We can use correct driving habits and practice them effectively. We can teach student drivers on how to drive safely. We can teach them to drive safely in Driver’s Education. The rules of the road can also help. Possibly lowering the speed limit could help too. Also obeying the law can help, or there are rules in place to help you, and are probably there for a reason. You just may not see it, or understand why they are there or what they are there for.

People get into car accidents. Sometimes they can be avoided; even though they may be called “car accidents.” Usually you would think it would be an accident, but there may be different factors that could limit these car accidents from happening. Such of these factors may be following the speed limit, or traffic lights, or signs, or just the “rules of the road” in general. What are these rules of the road though? There are rules that are set up for us to follow and are there to keep others safe. One of these such rules are the traffic lights. There is the red light, green light, and yellow light. I do not know if you ever played that game when you were a kid, but it seemed kind of fun. Where green light was go, red light was stop, and yellow light was slow. It may have been more of green light as fast, red light as stop, and yellow light as slow, or it may have been green light as gas, red light as stop, and yellow light as slow, but we may have not used yellow light though. We may have just used green light and red light, or I think that is just what the game is called red light green light, or green light red light. This game sort of has to do with the actual lights though. This game may teach kids some of the rules of the road. That is, the lights and what they mean or do in a sense. Green means go, Yellow means slow down, and Red means stop. With the Traffic lights, there are also traffic signs. These signs can also help us too. One of these such signs is the Stop sign. There are signs with different shapes. The Stop sign is an octagon shape, which has 8 sides. The Stop sign is for you to “Stop” and “Look” before you go. You should stop, look left, right, and left again I think. There are different rules along with ones such as these I think. One such thing are things such as the “No-Zones.” When I was in Driver’s Education, there was some kind of rap/song about this. It made it kind of interesting in a sense.

There are different steps we can take to become a safer driver. There are also steps that we may be able to take to make others safer drivers as well. Some of these steps may help both you and someone else you may want to help drive safe. One of these ways could be with the speed limit.

The speed limit is something that may help us drive safer or it may not. It seems the speed limit has went up over the years, with speeds increasing. The number of deaths from cars may have also went up each year, as possibly a result from this. Recently, sor of, the speed limit used to be 60 miles per hour I think. Now it is 70 miles per hour, and before that it may have been 65 or 55 miles per hour. Now there may be talk of 80 miles per hour. It seems that we are increasing the speed limit, but when the speed limit is increased that people are just going faster anyways or faster than the speed limit anyways.

There are different things that we can do to drive safer. One such thing that can help us is Driver’s Education. We also can still use what we are taught and obey the rules of the road, and if we do this we can be safer while on the road.