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Driver Education Round 1 – Drivers Ed Scholarship Essay

Name: Jordan
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed Scholarship Essay

Many people drive cars nowadays and think that they are one of the best drivers in the world. We consider driving as a rite of passage and are only concerned with knowing enough to pass the test. Some also tend to think just because they’ve been driving for years they already know everything. However, it is important for everyone to have certain skills, know the rules of the road, and be aware of statistics and consequences. Because of the lack of such knowledge too many accidents that result in death occur every year. If everyone who gets behind the wheel was required to take a driver’s education course, people would: develop proper driving skills, know what skills they lack and be better equipped to handle certain situations. Knowing the rules of the road makes it so everyone is on the same page and allows the whole system of driving to flow more smoothly, thus more safely. When we are aware of statistics and consequences we tend to stop taking things for granted. We realize how often and easily things can go wrong, and that we all have a part to play in keeping the roads safe.

There are many steps that people can take personally to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. First we can be of legal age and licensed. There are far too many kids sneaking their parents cars, then things going wrong for fear of getting caught. There are also lots of adults driving without a license and doing more illegal things in order to not get caught. While the rest of us can make sure we get proper rest before driving, put our phones away, have our hands on the right position on the wheel, be extra cautious in bad weather or don’t drive at all, make sure we and our passengers wear our seat belts, have designated drivers or call an Uber so we and our friends do not drive drunk .

In the summer of 2014, my family and I had the misfortune of being involved in a car accident. A man fell asleep behind the wheel and drifted into our lane. He crashed into us and we crashed into a tree. Thank goodness my dad is a skilled driver and was alert. He prevented a head on collision. He was able to swerve just enough for the guy to only hit the back of the car on the driver’s side, then swerve again so only the front of the passenger’s side hit a tree. A third driver managed to swerve completely out of the way. Although we were all stunned, there was little damage to our car and we were all unharmed. The guy who fell asleep was okay physically, but his Jeep was totaled from hitting a tree also. This caused some damage to a homeowner’s property. Because of the mistakes of one person, six people’s lives were affected that day.

When you take steps to be safer on the road, you are not only making it safer for yourself but, your passengers and others on the road will inevitably be safer too. When you take care of your car and its maintenance you decrease the chance of having breakdowns that can cause you to lose control of your vehicle, block traffic, or be unsafe on the shoulder of the road. We have to stop being selfish and share the roads with pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists as well. They have rights on the roads and depend on us to look out for them too. When you take the time to adjust your mirrors and seat properly you can see your surroundings better. Focusing on the road, following the speed limit, driving during limited traffic times or allowing time for an alternate route, maintaining a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, trying to stay out of other vehicle’s blind spots and obeying the traffic lights and signs may seem like a long and tedious list but, it is all necessary and after a while becomes a good habit. Lastly, do not argue with other drivers because road rage is real and very dangerous.

In conclusion, there are many ways that we can make a change on the roads. There are easy ways that we can start today. Being educated is the best option. We all just need to make the decision and put in the work to prevent the needless harm from continuing to occur, making our communities’ roads safer for everyone.