Name: Joshua
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Driving with Caution
Driving a car is something many of us want to do, it makes one feel free, and independent. But it is also important for the driver to be aware of the rules, safety precautions, regulations and laws that have to be followed while driving a vehicle. New drivers don’t have the education or experience to understand how to properly drive on the road, resulting in an increasing number of deaths through car accidents. There are different types of resources and programs that help first time drivers better understand the laws of the road and the importance of driving with caution. Such opportunities are offered as online courses, in high schools, with parents, or private courses. They help new drivers learn how to safely drive on the road, the different rules and regulations of the road, and techniques for different driving situations.
Knowing how to properly drive on the road prevents the driver from getting distracted or doing things they shouldn’t be doing while on the road. Courses can be taken to strengthen and guide new drivers as they learn the laws of the road and how to drive safely. There are two kinds of courses new drivers can take, they are driver education or driver training. The first is Driver’s education, this course does not involve physical driving, instead they are courses which can be taken at home or in a physical classroom. They teach new drivers about rules and regulations that have to be followed as they drive. The second course is driver training where the driver gets first hand experience in learning how to drive in different situations with a professional driving instructor by their side. The course not only focuses on teaching new drivers about traffic laws, they also help enhance skills needed to safely maneuver their way out of an accident. Learning how to drive can be very challenging, not only having to remember the laws and regulations that need to be followed but also knowing how to safely navigate a vehicle. Through these driver education courses teenagers and new drivers can better understand how to safely drive on the road to prevent them from getting involved in car accidents.
One of the main leading causes of large factual car crashes among teenagers and new drivers is the use of texting while driving on the road. Our technology has advanced drastically in this century, especially how we navigate in vehicles allowing one to effectively reach their destination. But such advancements have allowed different dangerous habits to be practiced amongst many ages, especially teenagers. Texting while driving is known as distracted driving which can also include eating while driving, putting makeup, talking on the phone and even the use of GPS devices. But there are ways one can prevent the desire of messaging a friend, family member or work colleagues as they drive. To prevent this one can, place their phone out of sight and reach, this allows the driver to stay concentrated on the road. This is especially useful for those who have a tendency of checking their phone even if the sound is off to see if anyone has texted back. The second tip would be to find a safe place to pull over and stop if you need to send an important message you forgot to send before driving. This allows the driver to send a message or answer a call peacefully without having to multitask to prevent a collision. If the message or phone call is not urgent or important enough to take your time to pull over and stop the vehicle, ignore it until you reach your destination. Even though this isn’t an effective way to prevent one from having the urge to use their phone, this does prevent the driver from risking their own life to send a message as they drive. The final tip is to download an app that is tasked to prevent one from checking their phone. This time of technological advancement has allowed programmers to design and create apps that block text messages while one is driving. Each app is unique, some prohibit the phone from receiving text messages or calls while one is on the wheel. Others send an automatic reply if someone sends a message explaining to the sender that you are driving. Some apps reward the driver for not having the urge to text while they drive. The app tracks the driver, giving them discounts and coupons depending on how far one traveled without touching their phone. There are different ways for one to conquer their urge to text while driving, one just has to see what method best helps them overcome this habit.
In my experience on the road my family and I have never been involved or caused any type of accident on the road and have not seen any friends or family members drive irresponsible. I thank God that I have not experienced such a devastating experience while on the road, but I feel sorry for those who have experienced such a tragedy. Many times, individuals experience emotional distress which could last for days or months depending on how the individual handles the situation. None of us want to experience an accident, which is why it is essential to prepare ourselves and remind our friends, and family members of the importance of driving with caution. To prevent myself from causing a collision or getting involved in one, I first get rid of all possible distractions such as my phone, by either silencing it or placing it somewhere out of reach and sight. The next step would be to fix both the side and rear mirror making sure I am able to see my surroundings as I drive on the road. It is also essential to be able to calm your thoughts and put your full attention on the road. At times our friends or family members may get annoyed as we remind them of the importance of staying focused on the road. But it is our responsibility to remind them of the consequences of not doing so, but not because we like to annoy them, but because we care about their well being.
As drivers I believe that we each have a responsibility to make sure we set an example for others by driving safely on the road. We each have to see the importance of keeping ourselves, our loved ones and friends first before anything else as we drive on the road.