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Driver Education Round 1 – Reducing Vehicle Deaths

Name: Peyton
Votes: 0

Reducing Vehicle Deaths

Trying to reduce the number of people passing due to vehicles can be quite tricky. Most adults do not care about some rules including texting/ being on their phone and driving or drinking/drunk driving. You do not want to be stuck with high hospital bills because you were seriously injured for not wearing a seat belt or driving while intoxicated. Everything you do while driving is important.

Driver’s Education is very important especially with young kids wanting to get their license as soon as they can. With many deaths every year related to vehicles, about 34,000 people have died due to driving or vehicle related accidents.To save a life you can try to drive the speed limit, wear your seat belt, and not drive drunk. Doing these things will help save your life and others. It is important to be driving safe because you are responsible for you and everyone else around you while driving.

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce deaths related to driving such as when you are driving you have to pay attention, something can happen even if you look away for even a second. You do not know what people are doing, where they are going, or what they are thinking, “Every 12 mintues someone dies in a motor vehicle accident,…, and every 5 seconds a crash occurs” (osha 3). If you think that nothing will happen or if you think that you will be fine, you are not. You always have to pay attention to your surroundings because most of the time other people are not and do not care about anyone but themselves. You can also wear a seatbelt, these are important so you do not get ejected from the car or go flying across the backseat (if you are not buckled in the backseat). Following these steps can help save you and/or other people’s lives.

Last year I got into a car accident, I was coming up to an intersection, it was unmarked so I treated it like a yield. I slowed down and looked both ways,I did not see a car so I thought it was clear to go.It was not, the lady who hit me was driving about 20 mph over the speed limit and hit my back passenger side and totaled my car. So now when driving I am over cautious because I do not want to get into another accident. My dad has also told me plenty of stories when he goes on calls as a paramedic/fireman. He has seen a lot of people get ejected out of their car because they were not wearing seat belts. But before I could drive I witnessed my dad always being on his phone while driving and also my brothers. I would be so scared to drive with them sometimes because I didn’t know if we were going to get into an accident or cause one. There was also this one time not very long ago, a girl that went to a school by mine, she got ejected from the truck because she was not wearing a seatbelt, amazingly she survived.

It is important to have a seat belt on because wearing your seatbelt can really save your life. About 17,000 people or more die every year from not wearing seat belts. That is a lot of families that do not get to see loved ones anymore. Another step you can take is to always be paying attention to the road and the people on the road. I see lots and lots of people being on the phone while driving. I can also be guilty of this too, but I don’t do it a ton anymore. It is so dangerous to text and drive or to just be on your phone in general because it only takes a second for something to go wrong. One last step you can take to be a better and safer driver is to not drink and drive or to be drunk while you drive. People drive drunk all the time, they think they are sober enough to drive but they are wrong. This can turn deadly quick, either you can get killed or you can kill someone else. They are trying to get a law that says if a drunk driver kills parents and they have kids then you have to pay child support. I like that idea because it is the drunk driver’s fault. Approximately every year 10,000 or more people get killed and about 35,000 people get arrested for drunk driving.Doing these things can help save yours or other people’s lives. All you got to do is be aware of your surroundings, wear your seatbelt and do not drink/drive or drunk drive. If you wanna see your family then do these things.

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