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Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Education Essay

Name: Jose
Votes: 0

Driver Education Essay

It’s no secret that driving in America can be very dangerous. Many lives from all ages have been affected by driving accidents, whether directly or indirecting. Over 30,000 lives are lost each year to vehicle accidents. It’s to read that number as a statistic but think about that number. 30,000 men, women, and children are gone prematurely. That is the population of some towns in america. Not to mention an additional number of people who were friends or relatives to the person who died in a car crash. While we cannot eliminate car crashes entirely, we can educate and help current and future drivers about safety on the road and as a result – save lives.

Humans are not perfect, we make mistakes and make irrational choices. But with those mistakes – we learn, and we learn from others and their mistakes. Driving in America has been around for over 100 years. We have grown to develop driving rules and regulations since the invention of the car. Information like this is key to teach drivers on what the rules are but also why we have them in the first place. This is why it is important to teach driver education in order to inform people about the dangers of the road and that remembering the information will make drivers aware and more alert when driving.

In order to reduce the number of deaths on the road, one step would be to have stricter law and enforcement. I personally have seen many vehicles run past a red light, driving faster than the speed limit, and last minute turns or lane changes that almost hit me or another car in my vicinity. My aunt’s friend died in a car accident because someone was running a red light and collided with her vehicle at the intersection. I believe having stricter enforcement is a good first step and makes people think twice before performing any of these actions. Another step would be to present in schools personal stories of victims or relatives who passed away due to driving accidents. I believe it is important to tell people, especially teenagers, personal stories that they can relate to or picture seeing if someone presents their story of how their sibling died or what injuries were sustained and how it affects their life. These stories are important to tell in order to have students empathize and can possibly relate to which can leave an impression and will keep it at the back of their mind.

While I personally have never seen my friends or family drive irresponsibly, nor have I myself been a victim of a car crash or accident. But my friend’s cousin, age 22, died in a car wreck a few weeks ago. His cousin was killed by a driver who was on the wrong side of the road and collided with her car. I do not recall if the person driving was intoxicated or under the influence, but this story serves as a reminder that even when you yourself are following the rules, you can still die in a car accident. I never met my friend’s cousin, but she was 2 years younger than me. Fresh out of college and the world took her away because someone was driving recklessly not even considering the safety of himself or others.

The steps that I can take in order for me to be a better and safer driver is to be mindful of my surroundings. While I consider myself a good driver, following speed limits, making use of my turn signals, etc, I need to be more aware of other drivers and how they drive. There is a lot of trust that needs to be involved with strangers on the road and hoping they follow the rules as well. However that doesn’t mean they can be reliable or will warn other drivers of their next action. Driving on the road can be unpredictable, having a better view of my surroundings and what other drivers are doing can improve my decision making on the road. And that includes pedestrians which not many people take into consideration also. Pedestrians, either walking, cycling, or jaywalking are also variables that need to be considered as well. Pedestrians, especially in metropolitan cities, are as important to be mindful of as the cars themselves. This will also help me become a better driver.

In conclusion, the road to reducing car deaths is still a long one. There are many uncertainties, randomness, and unpredictability that we will never truly get rid of in car accidents. However, that doesn’t mean we should stop trying. Within every vehicle is a human being, who has family, children, a dream, and all of that could be taken away in an instant. And it could happen to any one of us, not just those under the influence. While it may take time for the numbers to go down year to year, by spreading the word we are already helping people and are saving lives.