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Driver Education Round 1 – Confident Driving

Name: Kaitlyn
Votes: 0

Confident Driving

According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel there are approximately 1.35 million people that die per year due to car crashes. The importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths is that drivers education provides a clear visual of what safe driving looks like to the youth. If young teenagers are given the opportunity to be correctly taught by a driving instructor, they may be more apt to make good decisions while on the road by themselves. Driver’s education is important due to the fact that it ensures that a driver is truly ready for the challenging managers of the road. Instructors make sure the rules of the road and how to drive safely are learned by the student through a series of lessons and tests. I had gone through the experience of driver’s education and it taught me how to maneuver my car correctly, taught me how to communicate with other drivers, and it taught me how to become a confident driver. Completing this course not only prepared me for the road, but it also made me feel prepared. Drivers Education has a significant impact on reducing car accidents due to the fact that it teaches you how to drive confidently, correctly, and safely. In conclusion, taking a drivers education class is an important step in reducing the number of deaths by accidents.

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. This includes: wearing seatbelts, raising the license eligibility age, and requiring drivers education. Wearing seatbelts can lead to the prevention of a passenger potentially flying out of the car during an accident and causing death. By ensuring that every passenger that enters your vehicle wears their seatbelt you are reducing the chance of them potentially dying from the car accident. Likewise, by raising the eligibility for testing for a driver’s license you are reducing the amount of people that are on the roads. Other countries such as Norway, Poland, and Spain have a driver’s age of 18. Lastly, driver education is an important step in reducing the number of deaths by vehicle in the United States. With installing a mandatory drivers education class one will have to go through all the necessary training in order to be a good driver before taking on the road. Clearly, driver’s education should be provided to everyone that intends to operate a moving vehicle. In comparison to a factory, employees would have to be trained before using the machinery. The same should go for cars, due to the fact they are a piece of machinery. Due to the fact that all drivers will be trained professionally it will lead to less of a risk of reckless driving. As one can see, there are many steps that can be taken in order to reduce the the risks of car accidents.

Unfortunately throughout the course of my life I have experienced and witnessed many car accidents. The amount of times I have had the opportunity to witness a car accident should not be normalized. In fact, the amount of car accidents I have endured is above the average driver. From rear ending, to scraped paint, to T-boning, to totaling cars I have seen it all. Growing up I had watched my parents get into multiple accidents, whether it being their fault or not, that have cost us money and many negative emotions. Unfortunately, I have had first hand experiences with car accidents as well. In just nine short months of having a license I have undergone five car accidents. These car accidents occurred even though I as a driver had gone through a driver’s education course. Driver education gave me the opportunity to know how to cope with the situations I was in and prevent them from becoming worse. With the help of driver’s education I was able to make the situation I was in better and less dangerous for myself and others. Being in a car accident really opened my eyes to safe driving. If I wasn’t already being careful enough before the accidents, I was more cautious than ever afterwards. I felt very guilty after totaling my car. The pain of knowing my friends could have been hurt, and the insane finances lingered over my head for days. The accident made me want to look both ways twice at stop signs, drive five below the speed limit, and increase my following distance to 10 seconds behind the car in front of me. Basically, what I’m saying is no one should have to live with the guilt that comes from after a car wreck. Parents shouldn’t have to live with the fear that everytime their kid leaves the house they are potentially going to wreck.

In order to become a safer driver, I can do a number of things to enhance my performance. I will obtain the correct amount of sleep the day before I know I have to drive somewhere. Likewise, I will ensure that everyone in my car wears a seatbelt. I will maintain a safe speed and follow the road signs. Also, I can give the driver tips while I am in the passenger seat of the car. In addition, I will make sure I am not feeling overly angry before driving to prevent my emotions from getting in the way of my driving. Clearly there are many ways to reduce the amount of accidents throughout the country. Road accidents are common throughout the world. By doing our part by following road signs, being conscious drivers, and knowing the rules of the road we can all work together to reduce the number of deaths on the road each day.