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Driver Education Round 1 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Julius
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat

I think I understand the importance of complete and thorough driver education to reduce the number of car accidents and deaths among drivers of all age groups.

Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

I want to start my essay with a personal experience. One morning my father and I were driving to my High School. The traffic on the right-turn lane in front of us was not moving, and we were a little short on time. My father was driving, and he thought of an alternative route. He decided to move to the left-turn lane, set his indicator light, and turned. Unfortunately, he did not check his blindspot and missed a car coming from behind. Our vehicles collided, and luckily no one was hurt. It all happened in seconds, but I remember this experience vividly. What followed was the exchange of insurance information and getting our car repaired. This one moment of negligence had considerable consequences.

What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

I have my own driver’s license and own car now, and I think of the described accident often. It made me aware of the consequences that can result from my actions and of the potential damage that comes with an accident. I am both – more alert and more cautious – while driving.

But I know that this is not all. Becoming a safer driver requires an active effort. I plan to take a defensive driving course, and I am currently encouraging my friends to join me for such a class. I hope to learn how to assess the actions of other drivers, anticipating what they’ll do next. I am convinced my parents will like this too, as I will be eligible for a Defensive Driving insurance discount.

I know that distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents, especially with teenage drivers. That is why I put my phone on silent while driving because my car does not have a hands-free setting. Another thing I take seriously is to avoid driving while tired. Luckily, I do not have to drive long distances to get to High School or College.

My parents support me to have my car serviced often. Having my car serviced will help me to solve any maintenance issues that could compromise my and my passenger’s safety, it will help to increase the lifespan of my car, and is the best way to avoid trouble on the roads.

I am convinced, this helps not only to keep me safe but keep other drivers around me safe.

What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

We all see it almost daily in the local news. Driving on the road can have fatal consequences. Not taking care of proper speed limits, lack of attention on the road, and consuming illegal substances such as the use of alcoholic beverages almost certainly have a bad outcome.

Being aware of the common causes of road accidents can help us to take preventative measures. Sometimes – maybe because of an incident we saw on the local news – I talk to my friends about the most common causes of car accidents: Adverse weather conditions, driving under the influence, speeding, and distracted driving.

Simple adjustments can make a difference if you want to stay safe on the road: Adopt careful driving habits, avoid speeding, aggressive driving, and sharp maneuvers. These patterns are quite dominant under teenage drivers; not only are these things dangerous but driving this way also wastes fuel. So driving carefully is not only the best way to stay safe, but it also helps to become a more green driver.

What is the importance of driver education in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?

Driver education is crucial to avoid serious car accidents and prevent future deaths on the road. I know, there is a choice between classroom-taught driver’s education and online driver’s education. Personally, I prefer to take the classes online to better maintain a schedule that works for me, but it all depends on how you learn. Either way, these are important classes.

Professional driving instructors have several years of experience researching, evolving with the rules and regulations, and teaching students all the necessary lessons. Sure, my parents are good drivers but they do not have the means or the complete and thorough knowledge of the driving world. It has been a couple of years since they took their defensive driving course.

Driver education will help you to feel more confident in your driving abilities and naturally respond more effectively in difficult driving situations, and as a result, become a safer driver.

Lastly, as I said in my personal experience at the beginning, I know exactly what certain consequences can come with my actions, am aware of the potential damage that comes with an accident, and am both more alert and more cautious while driving. Driver education provides you with the understanding of the rules and regulations of the road, you understand the responsibility you have as a driver to ensure you follow those guidelines.