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Driver Education Round 1 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Madison
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

Driver education is important in reducing driving related deaths, because it makes people more aware of the dangers of driving. Teaching drivers about the various dangers they may encounter while on the road can prepare them ahead of time for anything that may happen. Ensuring that drivers know how to respond to dangers they may come across will help them react faster in the moment, which would greatly reduce the number of driving related deaths.

Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are providing more driver education classes for drivers of all ages, raising awareness of dangers related to driving, and giving inexperienced drivers safe ways to practice driving. Providing more driver education for drivers of all ages could take the form of driving classes or online videos that are accessible to all. Focusing on all ages instead of teenagers learning to drive can help anyone who is not confident in their driving skills become more confident, which can reduce driving related deaths. Raising awareness of dangers related to driving can be as simple producing informational pamphlets, television commercials, posters, and social media posts depicting the most common risks and how to avoid or overcome them. Making these things accessible to everyone could help prepare drivers for risks they may face, reducing both fatal and nonfatal driving accidents. Giving inexperienced drivers safe ways to practice driving, such as free driving lessons or a designated course would help ensure that these drivers build experience and confidence in their driving. Doing so can help them to be better drivers and lower their chances of being in an accident. If insurance companies would offer incentives such as lower rates to drivers who complete these courses, this would encourage many individuals to participate.

I have never been in a car accident, but I have been driving when my vehicle hydroplaned once. Because of the driving education I received in the past, I knew how to regain control of my car and I did not panic. Instead, I was able to overcome the issue that could have resulted in an accident. My parents also stress the importance of safe driving by limiting my distractions when I drive. For example, I am not allowed to answer my phone while driving, and the number of passengers I am allowed to hare in my car are limited. I am also not allowed to ride with a driver under the age of seventeen. These rules are to ensure my safety and the safety of any passengers I transport. I have never seen my friends or family driving irresponsibly because of the stress my family places on safe driving. My parents are safe drivers, and they do not allow me to ride with any of my friends if they do not know that they are also safe drivers. I am grateful that my parents have showed me the importance of safe driving and that it has helped me to avoid any car accidents.

Some steps I can take to become a better and safer driver are staying more alert, avoiding distractions, not speeding, and keeping a safe distance from the cars around me. While almost everyone knows not to drive if tired, many do not realize that zoning out while driving somewhere familiar is also dangerous. Being alert of all surroundings, including, but not limited to other vehicles, can give a driver the earliest possible warning if a driving risk occurs. Avoiding distractions is also an important aspect of safe driving. Answering a phone call, changing the radio station, and eating while driving are all distractions that can cause car accidents. Limiting these distractions also means limiting the risk of car accidents. Keeping a safe distance from other vehicles is not something many drivers realize is important. Following another vehicle too closely and not adhering to the speed limit are the causes of many traffic accidents. I witnessed an accident earlier this week that I would have been involved in had we been following the vehicle in front of us too closely. Keeping a safe distance and speed is important. While I already try to follow these things, there is always room for improvement in driving, and I can become a better and safer driver by carefully sticking to these guidelines. I can encourage others to be better and safer drivers as well by encouraging them to adhere to traffic safety laws. These laws should be followed even when it appears that “no one else is following them”. It is important to remember that the laws are there to keep us safe, and many fatal traffic accidents happen when drivers do not follow these laws.

Driver education is important for all age groups. I believe this would reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving.