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Driver Education Round 1 – Make Space For A Safe Place

Name: Mathew
Votes: 0

Make Space For A Safe Place

Some people state that there is a rising case of deaths in America due to reckless driving. There are ways to stop the rate from going higher each year, but the commitment towards these ways may be harder than most can handle. The results are clear and even so, the death rate in car accidents have skyrocketed and have not decreased for a while. Although there are traffic laws stated all across the United States, some still choose to drive recklessly and continue to do so at their own expense. I will not only tell you what I have experienced with driving for the past year and how it is very important to apply drivers’ education, taking precautions, close calls, and considering others.

I think that driver’s education is not only important towards the future of those driving and those already driving, but it shows that we understand the laws behind driving while allowing others to be safe on the road. The deaths related to driving accidents are extremely high and it can only decline with the right measure are in place. The focus needed, the learning and the actions that can be made from others can affect not only a person’s self, but the ones who share the roads as well, in doing their job and ensuring the safe driving aspects taught in drivers courses we all can live longer and enjoy the privilege of driving a vehicle. Following rules should not only protect you as it does in school, at work, at home, or even when going out in the real world.

I personally follow these rules every time I drive to assure that I don’t get hurt, but a couple of things that you can do to assure a safe ride is to buckle up, sit in an upright position while driving, having no distractions, driving when weather conditions are good, not speeding, and obeying traffic laws. In following these tips, you can definitely be safer, and this would decrease the amount of people that die during car accidents. Although it is not assured what is going to happen while driving because of other people it will be much safer on the roads for others, as well as yourself. I have not gotten into a collision with anyone thank God, and that has been because I have not broken any laws that have endangered anyone around me.

I have personally been in a vehicle where a person has driven unsafely, they were in a rush to get to their destination and have yet to care about traffic laws. The drove recklessly and luckily, I was fortunate to be able to get there with them in one piece. They didn’t seem to listen, so I stopped riding with them, I hope that nothing bad happens to them, but also hope that their attitudes towards reckless driving changes soon. The separation between myself and that person have not only created a safer space for me, but hopefully the risk of not being distracted will allow the other driver to be able to drive safer. Sometimes being influenced by social media will make others do certain actions that will cause a devastating outcome, such as driving fast to look “cool”, doing unnecessary stunts to appear intimidating so that others will let you pass or even just the dumb honks towards someone which can frighten them and cause them to be unrelaxed or uncomfortable.

I suggest that people follow traffic signs, laws, restrictions, speed limits and use the components of their cars to their legal uses. These will all help with being a better and safer driver on and off the road. The purpose of laws is to create a sense of peace and not chaos, although laws or rules are hard to follow, they are there for a reason, not just for show. Laws serve an important role in life, as they assure that everyone stays in the lines and doesn’t create a hectic scene. Follow laws is the simplest way to be safe, it just requires commitment. They in fact create a safer environment on the roads as well as on the streets since there won’t be much that is wrong in the description of the laws, after all traffic laws not only are placed to be followed but it was a decision made by the government to be something bigger than just more rules, it is in fact for the safety of yourself as well as others. So, remember to think of others and not to be selfish, driving is a privilege and not everyone can do it.