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Driver Education Round 1 – “Why Road Saftey Is Important”

Name: Gabriel
Votes: 0

“Why Road Saftey Is Important”

Before the use of cars, people would usually walk or take carriages from one place to another in today’s world cars have been a norm in our society, mostly everyone in the world has owned, driven, seen, or been in a car at a point in their life. Cars are not only used for transportation but they can also be used for status, racing, military purposes, and more. Cars have really integrated into our society. Cars are great and all but it also comes with a huge risk like accidents, these cars’ accidents could happen anytime without warning and could possibly hurt the driver or even could kill the driver. This is why driver education was implemented for people wanting to learn how to drive a car properly. It has been proven that fewer people get into car accidents with driver education than people without and with more care from the government there can be more steps to prevent inexperienced drivers from hurting themself.

The first thing I want to talk about is the importance of having driver education because it can reduce the number of people getting into road accidents. Having a driving education is a very necessary element when wanting to drive on your own because having one means that you are prepared and aware of how the road works. Having knowledge on the road is also a very important thing because you know how to prevent an accident from happening. Not having drivers ED is not only incompetent but also irresponsible because not only is your life at stake but also everyone else on the road minding their own business. Not having knowledge of the road when driving could get you into huge trouble with the law.

I personally haven’t had horrible experiences with cars but unfortunately, my cousin had. This was recently and my cousin had been driving without a license and he would usually drive somewhat well. I’ve always told him to get his license because it’s a must-have just in case you get in trouble. He always said that he “Doesn’t want to do the written part, it’s too much work”. I’ve always been scared that one day he ran into trouble because I care about him but one day my mom gets a call that my cousin got arrested for reckless driving. He had a collision with another car and was in even bigger trouble because he didn’t have any type of license like a driver’s license or a permit. The very next he was released and he was forced to take the driver’s test. My cousin was lucky that the other sued and he wasn’t locked for a long time, this event taught me that you can’t be too safe even if you can drive well. You should take the time to be registered and have a license. it’s always better to stay safe than sorry.

There are ways that you can be a better driver and a more safe driver on the road like being aware of your surrounding at all times. This is important because people don’t usually do this and they end up in a car crash or off the road, it’s crucial that you look around your surroundings so you can see if there are any sharp turns or reckless drivers ahead. Another way to be safe is to not be dependent on other drivers, when driving you must always remember that it’s not only you driving it’s also other people trying to get to places and living their lives. If you want to merge into a road don’t always assume that the other driver will move for you or even allow you to merge. Always remember that you may drive safely but others probably won’t so be prepared to react to something like this. Another way to be safe is to keep your speed at slow momentum, when you are on the road it’s your responsibility to follow the speed limit signs and either slow down or speed up. This is important so you can have control over your car. The final way to keep safe on the road is to always have an escape route. This above all is important because you are not the only one on the road driving you have to be vigilant and watch out for reckless drivers so you can find the best way to avoid them.

Overall, automobiles have been of great use in our modern world and I wouldn’t be surprised if a few years from now there will be a flying car. Even as im writing this there are car commercials promoting new models of cars. That is why I think it’s important to take the rules of the road seriously because if we don’t take these rules seriously then cars might not even be in our lives anymore due to the death rates. These rules may be tedious, annoying, and time-consuming but they help us learn how to properly drive a car and be safe.