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Driver Education Round 1 – Real Heroes Drive Safe

Name: Hannah
Votes: 0

Real Heroes Drive Safe

Drivers in the U.S. have a long history of reckless, and dangerous driving. As a result of this behavior there are tens of thousands of car crash related deaths each year. However, this is not a matter that can not be fixed. Drivers’ education is just the begin to safer driving. It teaches novice and advanced drivers the importance of making knowledgeable decisions and using common sense behind the wheel. It will teach every driver how to handle different situations on the road and the importance of safe driving as a whole. If every driver has this knowledge, it can reduce the amount of car crash related deaths. It will also have an effect on the coming generations. If children see their parents driving wisely, they will also want to drive in this manner. When parents have taken drivers education, they can apply what they have learned not only in their own lives, but also while they teach their kids. Overall, taking drivers education will reduce the amount of car related deaths by means of common sense, knowledge, and familial influence.

Other steps that can reduce deaths related to driving is keeping road rage to a minimum. Since the beginning of the pandemic people have become more impatient on the road, having a class or group to help with these issues could be useful to reducing the death rate in crashes. Also, after a certain amount of time people should have to re-take drivers’ education and the driving test to make sure that they are still ok to drive and can drive safely. New cars and phones can be better equipped with driving modes to limit the ease of texting while driving. Since this is a major issue with my generation, I believe it would be in the best interest of the public to teach their teens the dangers of texting and driving. Car companies can implement teen driving into the cars they make so that teens do not have to worry about any messages when they get behind the wheel. Laws r4egarding seat belts, though they exist, are not very advertised and the public should be reminded about them more often. Especially as children grow and watch their family and the world around them. Restrictions on drug and alcohol use while driving should be spelled out to the public more frequently. Or the fines if caught using or drunk should be raised so that people are less likely to want to drive in those conditions. This could also be applied to speeding tickets and other driving related offences.

Furthermore, it could be beneficial for trucking companies to implement annual or biannual testing for their drivers to make sure they are going about things safely. I have seen many truck drivers on their phones texting or calling, causing them to drift into other lanes and nearly taking out cars. These people drive for a living and it would be detrimental if they lost their jobs due to an accident that could have been avoided with common sense. It can be hard to resist the temptation to pick up the phone while driving, it may seem harmless but it can be deadly. Semi-trucks, and other trucking vehicles, should have systems like cars that allow them to hear their text messages with a Bluetooth connection so they do not even have to touch their phones. These systems were created for a reason, they were made to make driving safer for everyone. Truck drivers are essential to our economy, and just like all other drivers they must be thinking safely when driving.

Thankfully, I have never been in a car accident. I do have a family and friends that have been victims in car accidents, fortunately, none of them were fatal. I have witnessed a couple family members and friends drive recklessly and irresponsibly, never drunk or on drugs, but with road rage or driving too fast. It is not often that this occurs, but when it does, I try my best to stay calm as a passenger so I do not make the situation worse. I started driving back in January of 2022 when I got my drivers permit. I plan to take as many steps as possible while driving to stay calm and keep from letting rage affect my driving. I take a deep breath before I drive and remember that I am not the only one on the road. If I have music playing in the car, I do not use my cell phone or play it loudly so that it is not a distraction. I put my cellphone on driving mode so I am not tempted to text anyone whilst behind the wheel. While my parents or friends are driving, I pay attention to their actions and learn from what they do. I try to follow the good examples as best I can, and avoid the mistakes or bad moves made. I also watch the other drivers on the road to learn how other people drive so I know what to do and what not to do. I want to make a difference on the road, I want my future children and their children to have confidence and a sense of security while driving. I do not want future generations to be afraid to start driving like I was because of unsafe drivers. Our world is full of so many heroes; there are war veterans, doctors and nurses, veterinarians, police officers, firefighters, and so many more. I believe that safe drivers should be added to the list, because without them there would be even more car related deaths than there are now. If you want to be a real hero, drive safely.