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Driver Education Round 1 – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Arin
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

Stepping off the bus on a random Thursday afternoon, I looked down my driveway to see my grandfather’s car. I was confused, yet I felt my stomach drop. I walked into the front door to find my mother and grandfather sitting in the living room, talking. They stood up the moment I walked in the door. When I asked what happened, they instructed me to sit down. They both sat on either side of me and held each of my hands. That feeling of confusion was slowly turning into panic. They told me that my father was driving my sister home from school and the nightmare we all dread had happened. A construction worker was driving recklessly and crossed the yellow dotted line in the road, hitting my father and sister. Apparently they had no idea how awful my father’s injuries were but my sister got off with only a bruise from the air bag. She called my mother and told her the news and that everyone was alive. My mother and grandfather were waiting to hear more information when I came home from school. I remember sitting on that couch in shock and fear. I knew we were blessed enough that no one died but I was terrified if my father was okay, the amount of damages, and how much this all was going to cost. Eventually, my sister called back again and told us that when the ambulance and police officer showed up at the scene, my father was informed that he shattered his left thumb and some bones in his wrist. He has to go to the hospital. My grandfather and mother left me alone in the house while one went to go get my sister while the other went to drive my father to the hospital. I was left to my tears and fears alone while I played the waiting game. When my sister came home with my grandpa, I held her so tight. I remember going on a tangent on how much I loved her and how much I was sorry for being such a pestering little sister. My grandpa stayed with us until my father and mother came home later that night. My dad had pins all over his thumb and wrist. For the next six weeks, my family had to stare at those pins. Being reminded of that fateful day and what we could have lost.

When I think of that day, I think of what could have been done differently to avoid this. The big issue of that accident was reckless driving. The man in the other vehicle was talking to his buddies, while he had his music blasting, and he was not paying attention. Now that I am driving and I have my license, I try to look at this man as a lesson. When getting in the car with friends, I always make sure to inform them not to scream, yell, argue, or touch me while I am driving. I keep the music at a reasonable level and keep the dancing to only head bobbing. I make sure to set my music before I press the gas each time I drive so that I do not touch my phone when driving. I think doing these steps of communicating my expectations with my passengers, keeping music low, and eliminating as many distractions as possible can limit the number of deaths related to distracted driving and those in vehicles would be much safer all together. Simply being aware of the dangers and making safety a priority can save lives.

Personally, I have never been in an accident, but I thank my parents for that. They made sure I was put in a good driving school that would teach me the importance of safe driving and paying attention. My parents have made sure to sit down with me and explain how even though I think I can, I cannot multitask while I am driving as the road needs to be my primary focus and concern. It is important for all drivers to have a good education and have these conversations with a trusted adult. Hearing their advice, going to driving school, practicing in parking lots, watching educational videos, and having those important conversations have shaped me into the driver I am today.

That day has followed my family and taught us all an important lesson, but the fear will never be forgotten. About 3,700 people die from a car crash everyday and without the proper education and concentration then any of my family members or even myself could join that number.